Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Snow is Gone

A week to the day after we received record-setting snowfall (about 18 inches here), it is almost all gone. All that remains are places where there were huge stacks. It was kind of a nice way for it to go away (thanks to nearly 2 inches of rain in about 36 hours and temperatures in the 40s). My memories of snow melting away is that is takes forever and it a mess in the process.

G'parents Wisc. head home tomorrow. The kids had a nice visit with them and Den and I got some downtime. Glad they could come out this year.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


When we bought our house we thought the sloped back yard could be an asset in the winter. Unfortunately the sloped areas that end in terraces are not conducive to the long straight-aways needed for a good sled run. Fortunately our neighbors 2 doors down have a straight shot down the same hill and boy was it fun!

Our neighbor has a great lens on her camera and got these shots of Den and Eddie. Josie and I did go down the hill also, but apparently not as often as Den and Ed. I believe the pictures speak for themselves. And with 16+ inches, there is still snow left on the hillside...

Okay, one comment I will make is the one where Den is flying through the air on his stomach...don't try this on your butt--it hurt my back so hard as I landed back on the packed down snow, I thought for sure I'd crammed 2 (or more) disks together in my back. The rest of the hill was fun...can't wait to take the kids tubing...

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Final snow

The porch always intrigues me. It is the last to be distrubed by people or animals and I always like watching what the snow does.

This is the view down the street that runs into our street. My picture of Den's car focused on the screen and not the car, so is blurry. That car in front was cleared two or three times during the storm. Den opted to clear the sidewalk regularly but hold off on the car.

Den and the kids had a great time outside. Josie didn't want to stay out for long periods, but Ed and Den could have spent the whole day outside if they didn't have to break for lunch.

I peered out the window at one point to see Den digging in what appeared to be the grass. Only after a couple minutes did I realize he was digging a snow fort. We'll see how many other ones sprout up at the neighbor's homes. When the snow melts a bit, I bet there could be some good snowball fights.

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Sat. into Sunday

Eddie still loves his daily planner and I enjoy being able to capture a day here or there.

Eddie is standing at the guest room window! We had blowing snow all day, but that is essentially the depth--about 18-20 inches!

I wanted a picture of the lights peeping out from the snow, but this was the best Den could get from the warmth of the front door.

It was sunny on Sunday and quite a bit different. In some ways I wished I'd rushed around to snap photos before the snow changed, but it just seems like we got so much snow that I have some time--at least unti lthe forecast rain for Thurs. night and Friday.

The kids enjoyed playing on the swingset in the snow--I always thought taht was cool too as a child.

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More Snow

Here are some more pictures from Saturday. Den and I both commented that it was one of the highest signle snowfall events either of us could remember. Also pictured are the paperwhites we bought about 6 weeks ago. They were in Ed's room until they started to bloom when I think the pollen was bothering him. Cookie said she hated the smell, but fortunately you only notice that if you get close in to get a whiff.
These are all from Sat.
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Snow storm

When we moved from Florida to Ohio when I was 11, I have no recollection of my parents saying anything about an impending snowstorm. I just remember my dad telling me to look outside and to my delight was snow. By the next day, either by accumulation or blowing snow, the snow was up to my thighs. We told the kids for 2 days that snow was coming. The morning of the anticipated snow (which at 9pm started 3 hours earlier than forecast), Eddie and J woke at 7am and apparently Ed excitedly ran to the open the front door and was ready to head out into it.

He was dressed in snowsuit and accompaniments and ready to go probably 45 mintues before anyone else in the house.

It snowed all day long. Was hard to get photos because the cameras/iphone kept getting covered in snow.
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Holiday prep

Eddie's last day of preschool for the year was Friday. Earlier in the week (on Wed.) they had the holiday program. His teachers told me he'd be sitting cross legged, so I knew he'd be front row and I planned to get a good seat. I could have gotten there earlier than the 11am start of the reception, but I didn't think 4 rows of people would get there before even the start of the reception. We got the best seat we could and poor guy sat there trying to find us through the whole program. Finally near the end, they invited siblings up and Josie and I went running up. He was thrilled to see us. I'm sad that I missed part because I couldn't see over the heads in front of me and was trying not to block those behind me. Ugh. He was not only front row, but front and center. Wonder if the music teacher noticed his singing abilities that Den raves about. If that is the case, Josie will be in the back when it's her turn :)

That night was a Christmas cookie exchange at a neighbor's home. I had forgotten to put on my calendar, so that afternoon, the kids and I cranked out 'spritz' cookies. I had a good time making them as Eddie added all the ingrediants and Den stuffed the little gizmo. That was his only involvement--that and stressing over all the sprinkles spread from the kid's table to the oven and beyond. They turned out great.

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Monday, December 14, 2009


Today was the last day of gymnastics for the semester. They really enjoy the classes, but Josie takes her own approach, doing only the elements/aperati she wants and skips the rest. From what I can see across the gym, Eddie appears to really enjoy himself as he calls out to us, "look at me!" as he walks backwards on the balance beam. Josie is definitely getting something out of the class, as at the beginning she couldn't bounce/jump down the trampoline and now she can, the whole way by herself. (she learned to jump this fall)
I find it funny in the picture of the 2 of them, Eddie was the one smiling the whole time and this picture is the only time J was looking up at the camera--Eddie had been badgering her to 'look at mommy, she is trying to take a picture!'
Love the iphone, but low light is not its friend and in these situations we get blurry photos. I'm sure there an app for that...
Haven't decided if we will take gymnastics this winter. It will be the last time I have to take the class with J, but I kind of enjoyed it as a chance to stretch out myself. They seemed to be getting tired of it by the end, and we probably missed 4 classes this fall--2 due to travel and at least 2 due to sickness.
Eddie wants to try basketball--and I'm not sure how much to cram in his week. J might switch from music to art. Will have to see...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

First Snow of the Season

G'parents Ohio were out last weekend and we experienced our first snow of the season. It was rain then snow then rain then who knows what else in between. And it was cold.

Eddie asked me why g'ma and I always go shopping when they come. Don't recall my answer, but it should have been, so our husbands don't have to.

Josie must have been asleep while these were taken. I just learned today that Cookie has stopped giving J naps, which would explain her mood by the end of the day and why she sometimes accepts them on days we are with her.

It was a thick wet snow. It stuck on everything and I learned I don't have a snow brush in my car.

I had said Den was traveling a lot this month and then I had to add 2 days for him to travel to Wisconsin for the funeral of his Aunt who had been ill a long time. We debated long and hard about wether the kids and I should go along and when we saw the forecast high was 12 one day and not much more the next day, that made our decision. It will be a quick, less than 48 hours trip for Den.

Even G'pa got in the snowflake catching mood.

I'm not proud of our light display (except that one tall bush that was quite a feat of engineering as Den was standing about 5 feet under it trying to use a pole to hang the lights), but I am proud that the display exists. I have always wanted one and thanks to the kids, got Den to cave. Not only that, but these are all LED lights. Yay! Now if I can just get him to stick a couple nails in the house, we can hang them on the porch or around the trim of the house. This also could help to hasten the chopping down of the prickly holly tree that neither of us wants...
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