Sunday, December 20, 2009

Final snow

The porch always intrigues me. It is the last to be distrubed by people or animals and I always like watching what the snow does.

This is the view down the street that runs into our street. My picture of Den's car focused on the screen and not the car, so is blurry. That car in front was cleared two or three times during the storm. Den opted to clear the sidewalk regularly but hold off on the car.

Den and the kids had a great time outside. Josie didn't want to stay out for long periods, but Ed and Den could have spent the whole day outside if they didn't have to break for lunch.

I peered out the window at one point to see Den digging in what appeared to be the grass. Only after a couple minutes did I realize he was digging a snow fort. We'll see how many other ones sprout up at the neighbor's homes. When the snow melts a bit, I bet there could be some good snowball fights.

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Anonymous said...

Wonderful pics for the kids and you to remember the big '09 storm.
G'mom J

soliluna said...

Wow! Agreed- these are fun pix and instant memories for a lifetime! What a treat! Happy holidays to all...p