Sunday, December 20, 2009

Holiday prep

Eddie's last day of preschool for the year was Friday. Earlier in the week (on Wed.) they had the holiday program. His teachers told me he'd be sitting cross legged, so I knew he'd be front row and I planned to get a good seat. I could have gotten there earlier than the 11am start of the reception, but I didn't think 4 rows of people would get there before even the start of the reception. We got the best seat we could and poor guy sat there trying to find us through the whole program. Finally near the end, they invited siblings up and Josie and I went running up. He was thrilled to see us. I'm sad that I missed part because I couldn't see over the heads in front of me and was trying not to block those behind me. Ugh. He was not only front row, but front and center. Wonder if the music teacher noticed his singing abilities that Den raves about. If that is the case, Josie will be in the back when it's her turn :)

That night was a Christmas cookie exchange at a neighbor's home. I had forgotten to put on my calendar, so that afternoon, the kids and I cranked out 'spritz' cookies. I had a good time making them as Eddie added all the ingrediants and Den stuffed the little gizmo. That was his only involvement--that and stressing over all the sprinkles spread from the kid's table to the oven and beyond. They turned out great.

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