Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snow storm

When we moved from Florida to Ohio when I was 11, I have no recollection of my parents saying anything about an impending snowstorm. I just remember my dad telling me to look outside and to my delight was snow. By the next day, either by accumulation or blowing snow, the snow was up to my thighs. We told the kids for 2 days that snow was coming. The morning of the anticipated snow (which at 9pm started 3 hours earlier than forecast), Eddie and J woke at 7am and apparently Ed excitedly ran to the open the front door and was ready to head out into it.

He was dressed in snowsuit and accompaniments and ready to go probably 45 mintues before anyone else in the house.

It snowed all day long. Was hard to get photos because the cameras/iphone kept getting covered in snow.
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