Tonight Eddie talked about daddy being on a trip and I corrected him saying that he was at work at that he would get home late. I'm sure this completely puzzled Eddie, that would be one string of crazy day trips to come and go daily.
Above the kids were playing with the blankets one morning, 'hiding' and having me pull the covers back to wild giggles. Twice in the last week I've been asked if Josie and Eddie are twins. They really do look quite similar and Josie is not all that much shorter than Eddie. Most recently I was asked while they were sitting in a grocery cart. The woman cracked me up by saying how affectionate they seemed with each other. I advised her to check back in a couple aisles. In general they really are sweet to each other. And then there are the times where Josie bites Eddie in the be-hind or Eddie pinches his sister for looking sideways at him.
Here Eddie is making a paper mache' volcano with Cookie. He now needs to paint it and I plan to save the 'explosion' project for Cookie on Tuesday.
Josie and daddy made this out of the squares and triangles (which by the way Xanterra DID ship to us--very impressive).