Monday, August 03, 2009

Gparents in July

It's well known that g'parents Ohio come out about once/month for a visit. Before this weekend's trip, they were out over July 4. G'ma wanted to see the local parade, and despite that we had told her it was hot, crowded and not 'all that', she wanted to go anyway. As I understand it, our outing took care of her need to attend this parade for at least a couple years. We all gamely wore some variation of red, white, and blue.

This below picture of Eddie was him nestled between 2 chairs in his stroller. He claims to have had a fine view.

This is what it is all about--popsicle treats after. Josie had the biggest popsicle and of course she polished it off. It was about as long as her forearm.
Waching the g'parents leave--it was raining. The kids love climbing on the couch and each opening a window shout out goodbyes.Posted by Picasa

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