Monday, August 03, 2009

Possibly Why We Don't Get More Visitors...

I'm always amazed at how fast time goes. I distinctly remember as a child being told to be careful about wishing I was a year older than I was because before long the time would pass more quickly than I wanted. I am there now. And have been for a while.

Den was gone the last week of June, the transition week of July, he was gone on a 1.5 day business trip and no sooner did he get home, then g'parents Ohio arrived for the weekend (previous post). They left on a Monday and by Sat. we had Den's cousins with us for 5 nights.

During their stay with us, we had them helping to build the playset that had been broken (see a July post), help us hang and re-arrange photos that have never seen the light of day and in general clean the house for a 10-person work-related dinner party. Pluck the flowers from the neighbor's yard and make beautiful flower arrangements for said dinner party, oh and make a desert for the party as well. I know I left something out, but they were machines. I don't usually let people do 'stuff' in my house, but I felt like I was on a home improvement episode where you give general directions, come home and the place is amazing! I didn't exactly leave, but lets just say there were a lot of opportunites for keeping busy. Plus, Den was working long days (and nights) with customers from out of town.

Needless to say, they were sure troopers.

They left on a Thurs. and then we left on vacation that Sunday, coming home on the 29th and bam it's August. I've got to find the pictures that the Cousins took, because they have some great ones, these are from Eddie's camera.Posted by Picasa

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