Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Last Week

Eddie and Josie love to help out around the house. I've decided to capitalize on this while I can. They do everything from helping unload the dishwasher to putting away their clean clothes to their favorite--setting the table. I'm not sure how long before they will not be this excited to help out.

Cookie made us her 'crepess' I'm not sure how to spell it, because she doesn't say 'crepes' as in the French, but adds an 'es' at the end. They are typically chicken filled and delicious. They are pictured here because for the first time (for her), she made the crepe/tortillas from scratch and they were fabulous! She was quite satisfied--I'd say it was about the most excited I've seen her.

It rained yesterday (Saturday). It rained so hard and so much that it felt like it had become a way of existence. Aside from an errand here and there, we basically hung out at home, listening to the thunder and laughing as the kids asked where the lightening was right after it flashed.
Today we went to a nearby fair. I thought it would be more of an agricultural fair, but it was more of a good ole country fair, complete with a pedal tractor pull contest. We got there about 30 minutes after it occured, but they let the kids ride the tractors around while they cleaned up. They had lots of great activities for the kids and we wore the kids out walking all over the place. They had a great playground, yarn spinning to quilt making to weaving watching to the beekeeper, hayride and my personal favorite, the dunk tank. Eddie used a tennis ball and on the third try, from about 5-7 feet away, Eddie nailed the target. Unfortunately the target was difficult to push, as Den found out when they told him to just push the target to make the poor guy sink (he'd been up there the WHOLE day). Eddie was extremely curious with how it worked and Josie started to cry, worried for the man in the blue water. I tried to assure her that the water was only up to his bellybutton.
We're exhausted, the kids are exhausted and we're thinking as part of health care reform, the US needs to switch to 3 day weekends. Posted by Picasa

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