Tuesday, February 27, 2007

daddy's trip

Went for Eddie's 2 year check up today. It went really well. Will post the particulars tomorrow, as I'm too tired tonight, but wanted Den to see these pictures I snapped this evening. Dr. was pleased/impressed with Ed's development/abilities on some Denver chart. Growth and all that is fine too. Again, will post more tmr.

Monday, February 26, 2007

One Last Trip

Den left this morning on his last trip before #2 arrives. He's out on the west coast, and in fact, trying to get to his final destination as we speak. G'parents Ohio came out for Ed's birthday and would you believe I don't have a single picture of them with him? Sure hope they do. They left this morning before I had my eyes open enough to look through a view-finder.

This picture of me is from Sat.--offically 34 weeks pregnant--although I keep saying 34 months. When you've been pregnant this long it kind of seems like you'll always be pregnant. But then when you realize the baby has to get out at some point, you know that your life will not be your own for the next several months after baby comes.

Over the weekend, Ed's buddy Lizzie brought him a birthday gift. To say he loves it would be an understatment. She brought it yesterday and he played with it ALL day today. It's called an Aquadoodle and I have to say it's really cool. I'd put it on Ed's xmas list but he didn't get it. It's this large mat and a pen you fill with water. Through some kind of reaction of the water filled pen-tip and the mat, you can draw pictures that fade away over time. Kind of like a giant etch a sketch, only easier to draw.

These last 2 are from today. I captured Ed singing away on the inside picture. He just loves to sing. I don't remember what he was singing at the time, but he was cracking Cookie and I up. It involved the pig he is holding.
Tonight we shared a rendition of Old MacDonald.

Eventually Eddie wanted to go outside. We got about 3 inches of wet snow yesterday and then rain, but there was still plenty left. Cookie made him a snowman, which he walked right up to and decapitated, prouncing the 'head' a ball--which of course it did look like. He was wearing his spiderman rainboots because it didn't click in my head that he'd be playing in the snow and I suggested to Cookie to put his rainboots on instead of his snowboots. Duh.

Den is only gone 3 nights (kind of technically 2, but I have 3 bedtimes to contend with, so I count 3). It seems so quick, especially after 8 nights. Ed has gotten quite accustomed to talking on the phone with Den, taking pictures for him, and then looking at pictures of him on the computer. He's going to be in for a shock after Den is home nearly 2-3 months and then takes his first trip. Heck so will I. Hurry home!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Eddie (2 years!!!)

Eddie is 2 years and 2 hours old in all these photos--except for this newborn shot, where he is almost 2 hours old--almost the same time of day we took all these others. I really just don't know what to say. I'm tempted to get all sentimental, as I can't believe how quickly the time has passed, but he just cracks us up all the time, I should have a funny story to tell.

We had a quiet family celebration tonight, serving Eddie what we hoped would be his favorite foods: cottage cheese, baked potato, chicken dipped in BBQ, and broccoli with cheese sauce (lots of sauces). He seemed pleased with the menu. He also asked for pepper, as he often does. Afterwards we had a couple of chocolate ice cream cupcakes that we embellished with an 'E' and a '2'. Ed really liked the blue and red frosting we used and kept asking for more to be added. This first picture is actually the last, where he seems to be asking if there is anything more he's missing.

While he gets the concept of "Happy Birthday Eddie", he still doesn't get that he is 2, or supposed to say '2' when asked. Imagine when he's 'free/3' that concept will be a little more clear. When we got the cupcakes out, he immediately knew what they were--danger of sending him to nursery school, I guess. He kept saying 'cupcake', 'cupcake'.

He didn't want to blow out the candles, kept trying to get mom and then dad to blow on them. He was putting his fingers in the frosting and then all of a sudden reached for the candle. I'm not sure if as in the tradition of my family, he'll be a pyromaniac and enjoy playing with the candles, but I pulled his hand away just as it touched the flame, so he probably got that sensation one gets when you whisk your finger through a flame--feel nothing.

He definitely enjoyed the cupcake, as seen here.

Happy Birthday Part 2

The other part of the day...

We had Cookie all day, and she showed up with a gift for Eddie and the balloon you see pictured. He went nuts over the balloon. I then got him a balloon with balloons on it, and he was so excited by both. G'parents Wisc. called to wish Eddie a happy birthday (G'parents Ohio will see him tomorrow). They sung Happy Birthday to him and this first picture with the balloon is his gleeful reaction to their serenade.

The picture of Ed holding the phone and what you'll have to believe me when I say is 'baby duck', while g'pa Wisc. sang Old McDonald Had a Farm with Eddie. The duck was saying 'quack quack here' into the phone.

He had to have a bath to clean off all that chocolate--he still loves his baths.

Den brought a toy/game back from the UK for Ed. It's a matching puzzle game. Ed was up to his usual gift opening antics and tore off individual pieces of wrapping paper, examining the wrapping paper pattern on each piece of paper and was especially excited to find a blue star.

Our little trooper had a good day!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Daddy Built Me a Snowfort

Den got home safely (albeit late and into a different airport than scheduled). On Sunday, he proceeded to chip (literately) at the ice/snow mix that parked in his car. The guy I had paid to do the sidewalk and driveway did a nice job, but only did wide tire tracks for me on the drive. Den thought he might try and break the rest of the snow/ice up in the driveway, but it was just too difficult--and he likes to shovel.

So he decided to take Ed out to play. The front yard, where they are playing was a solid sheet of ice--to the point that Den was slip-sliddin' all over. This may explain why in most pictures Eddie is standing there, soldier-still. For fun, Den tried to slide across the yard several times and almost ended up around the corner and into our backyard because he couldn't stop.

Ever the boy from Wisconsin, Den built Eddie a snowfort out of the chunks he unearthed whilst digging out his car (we've gotten numerous comments on the quality/coolness factor of the fort--I'd be more impressed if he'd added a roof, but it did/does look mighty cool--if not posing a security threat to passersby). These pictures are all out of order, but from the top, they had been outside about 30 min. when it started to snow and then the wind really started cranking. After being cooped up in the house for 2 days, Eddie refused to go inside. It was kind of funny. So we let him stay out a little longer.

This inside picture is of Ed playing while what you can't see in the background is Den passed out with a migrane and head cold, trying to muster the energy to play with Ed on Sunday.

This other picture with all the balls (and if you are an astute observer, you may notice Ed in a different outfit, this is from today). It was 50 degrees today, so the yard is more like snow covered instead of ice covered. Don't ask me why Ed is dressed to the hilt for 50 degrees and then I threw a scarf out the door when the high barely reached 28--and I helped dress him both days.

Everytime Ed goes outside, he wants to take these balls out--these particular balls. He is quite insistent and often won't play until all the balls are out. Of the many games he enjoys, one is having Den throw the balls way up in the air and then giggling with delight as they crash to the ground with a thud (most of the balls are in some very serious stage of deflation and no amount of air can help).

Here are some more pictures of the snow fort under construction. Ed just stood there--it cracked me up--from the comfort of my living room. The rest are pretty self-explanatory. Den is trying to get Ed to throw snow/ice balls in the last picture.
And for a completely random comment, Ed is speaking in complete sentences with some regularity. Today, "I dropped the purple ball" said from his carseat.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Welcome Home Daddy!

Den gets home around 9 tonight. Yahoo! I don't know if it was the excitement over Den coming home--knowing that at 2am my time he was waking up, or at 6:20am my time, he would be leaving, or what, but beyond my normal multiple wakings, I was up from 4-5:30 and then Ed woke at 6:30.

I was eyes-burning tired, but just couldn't sleep. I think I was also worried about Ed who is coming down with/fighting a cold. We keep his door closed, or mostly so when he sleeps and we have it very carefully calibrated for the amount of heat with the amount of vapor the humidifer puts out so that his room is 'just right'. I upset that balance this week by having him sleep with the door open so I could hear him (I'm usually so tired, I don't even hear him when Den is home) and also because 2 nights in a row with the ice storm, I was worried about the power going out and wanted to make sure his room was plenty warm.

So last night, with the door open, and hearing him cough every so often, I went up to check, glad that I did because at different times it was too hot and dry, then too cold, then...well you get the picture. Every time I went up to check, I made an adjustment, hoping to find the right balance to ensure (ironically) he is able to sleep through the night.

When he woke this morning I told him I was really tired and needed to sleep some more. So he climbed into bed with me and watched cartoons for an hour before deciding it was time to play.

These pictures were taken this morning. I think the one in which he is throwing 2 balls at once is particularly cool. He didn't want to go down for his nap this afternoon--I hope I get a long one. Only another couple more hours of stress about Den getting home safely!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Greetings from England

As you may recall from a previous post, my Cousin Kurt is teaching at a school in England for a couple years. Turns out he is pretty close to where Den had his conference and so Kurt and Den were able to meet up. Here they are savoring their first beer of the evening.

Cookie came today--after waiting 2 hours in the cold for a bus that was promised and never came, I told her to hop a cab and come that way. The stories she tells me about taking mass transit are at times unbelievable.

Looks like I'll get Ed all day tomorrow as his preschool has been cancelled. They follow the closure policies of a neighboring school district and apparently that district has decided to remain closed for a third day in a row. I will freely admit it's kind of nasty out there. It's not like packed down snow. I'm not even sure if it's like man-made snow at a ski resort. You don't sink into the 'snow/ice', so you can never fully get any traction. I've been out twice today, both times from my garage to another garage. But 3 days of school closure is a bit excessive. Our schools were closed 1 day and opened 2 hours late today, but just about every other school in the region seems like it's closed.

Den's conference is offically over, so I suspect he's entered the euphoric stage where you wish you were home, but you are still on travel, and your responsibilities are over so you might as well just relax and coast until you get home. Where he is staying is so far from the airport that he has to take a train tomorrow and then fly out on Saturday. Hopefully in approximately 48 hours we'll have him home. After tomorrow, I should be able to start talking about his homecoming to Eddie as I'll be able to put it in a timeframe that he can comprehend. With all the flight and weather fun lately, I'll believe he is home when he actually calls from our home airport.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Ed made this in nursery school on Tuesday. Not the greatest picture of him (it's about 1 inch by not quite 2 inches), but the sentiment is there. Den and I do not traditionally celebrate V-day. But I guess with kids that is going to change. 3 kids in class handed out Valentine's, so I felt slightly sheepish not providing anything. I did give the cute little packages of Valentines a second look when I was in the drugstore earlier in the week, but figured we could hold off at least a couple years.

However, I did prepare a Valentine for Den for his trip. I NEVER do anything like that--send him notes or other things packed into his suitcase, but this time I had Eddie color a couple pictures for him and we made 8 days worth of Valentines. It was fun to do, and even more fun that he's enjoyed it so much. But I'm still not doing Valentine's Day--except for my kids!

I might have said yesterday was hump day, but today was 'hell' day. I had a second night of waking up every.single.hour. Magically almost at the same time each hour. Then last night, Ed woke at 2 or 3 AM and was inconsolable. He's done this a couple times to us recently. Don't know if he's having nightmares or what is going on, but he wound up perpendicular to me in my bed, so you can imagine how well rested we both were.

We were both snapping at each other and in general fussy. Plus, the bus system was running on emergency snow routes only, and it would have taken Cookie all morning to get here, so I told her to just stay home--she sounded pretty thankful. Tonight is supposed to get into the low teens and freeze all the already icey areas (we wound up getting a base of several inches of snow, following by sleet all night long--you could hear it hitting the windows). Hope she can get here tmr.

Eddie took a 3 hour nap and I took a 2 hour nap, which seemed to serve as good attitude adjustments for both of us. Afterwards, he asked for hot tea (he likes drinking what mom is drinking) and I countered offered with hot chocolate, which he happily accepted. He is usually incredibly neat with both, so I didn't use a bib, but the first sip out of the gate launched hot chocolate all down his shirt.

Then I broke out the graham crackers and he decided to dunk them in the hot chocolate. He got frustrated when they disintigrated so quickly and wound up with a bit at the bottom of his cup, but he was happy, I was happy and the world seemed right.

Even the card reader worked tonight. And yes, if I decide to stick a foreign object in the computer again, I'll use a freakin' screwdriver--I caught slack all over for that one.

32 week doctor's apt. tmr. Where does the time go? I'm not ready! I want this to last a while longer. Don't forget to check the 'name that baby post' a couple days back--we just need ideas--and thanks for those we've already gotten.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hump Day

We owe the pictures on this post to Justin. I couldn't get the computer to read the card and after a phone call discussion with our pal who knows a thing or two about computers, he was able to give me enough moral support to disconnect the power and stick a butter knife (entirely my idea AFTER I got off the phone) in the 'card slot thingy' which was enough to do the trick. For the record, he was ready to just have me download my pictures to his machine, because he couldn't figure out what it was Den did to 'fix' the reader based on my description. Now I talked with Uncle K, also a computer geek who said my idea of sticking a butter knife in was pretty stupid, that apparently I could have still gotten zapped. Well thank goodness I didn't. Again, the knife was never discussed with Justin, just wiggling the reader around or trying to pop it out.

Earlier tonight, I told Eddie I wanted to take a picture to send to daddy. Well, if he didn't get all excited and want his picture taken with all his balls--both individually and in groups. He went running around the living room, trying to find just the right thing to pose with. It was really cute and he really hammed it up for the camera. There are at least another dozen equally cute photos I'm not posting.

Today is hump day. When I go to bed tonight, Den will be exactly 1/2 way through his trip. Today was what I had built up in my head to be the worst day, especially as I thought Ed's preschool would be cancelled because of the weather--thank goodness they only closed 2 hours early, so he got a good 2 hours to run off some energy. I even forced myself to take a nap.

The trip (so far) has not been that bad--I think because I was really preparing myself for much worse. Granted Ed hasn't had a bath since Sunday, but I'll get Cookie to give him one tomorrow, assuming she is able to get here. We are supposed to get about 1/4 inch of ice tonight and tomorrow morning. I know 8 days is absolutely nothing and that woman with houses full of little kids figure out ways to be super pregnant and handle being on their own--espeically those spouses of the military and people who are away for extended periods.

Eddie's eyes got really big when he saw how high I had built the tower of blocks in the top picture. And he wanted to make a contribution. He had been pretty focused on putting together a bunch of colored pegs to make a long stick and I was surprised I got it as high as I did before he looked up. He really can zero in and focus on the task at hand.

I hear people say that when their spouse is away, the kid goes to bed early. I never seem to be able to make that happen. I'm such a procrastinator and then seem almost happy to indulge Ed's stall tactics. Well tonight, I put him in bed 30 min. early (after reading 1/2 the books in his collection) with instructions to read some books (he is REALLY into reading and being read to). Right around the time he would normally be put in bed and fall asleep, I heard the distinct sounds of board books thumping onto the floor. I went up, turned out the light, said goodnight and that was it. Then I couldn't get the pictures uploaded...

4 nights and 4 days to go (Den gets back late on Saturday night). Don't forget to provide name ideas in the name the baby post below.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Name that Baby

With Eddie we didn't really want any help with names. We didn't really do much besides kick around a ton of names (I checked a bunch of websites), checked to see where they ranked on the social security list (didn't want a name too popular or too far out--but that is a not completely reliable method, I've found), and then a couple days before Eddie came, his name was the one that at that point, neither of us was completely rejecting. We just couldn't agree on the boy's name--except his middle name.

This time, we are in a similar situation, except that I've purchased 4 baby name books, that while quite interesting, haven't resulted in a name. We continue to suggest names to each other and then the other isn't completely thrilled with the name. I'm interested in some ideas. So, lemme have 'em. Following are the guidelines:

1. Must be submitted via the comments on the blog--no emails to me please--I have 1400 that need to be read before the baby arrives--and I'm not exagerating.
2. Must not be offended if we don't pick your suggestion(s) or anything close
3. Must be a name that is not so far out in either spelling or name that people stumble with
4. Must be a name that can have a nickname that clearly derives from the original name. For instance, we call Edward everything from Ed to Eddie to Mr. Ed, but not Ward. Not that I don't like Ward--reminds me of a simplier time, but does't seem like it relates to his first name.
5. No androgonous names--nothing wrong with these, but we want it to be clear it's a boy.
5. Last, but most important, no girls names. We are all set with the girl's name from last time and we don't need to muddy the waters.

Okay, lets see what you come up with...

Jump. Jump. Jump Around.

Remember that Song in which they sing 'jump, jump, jump around'? It's has the weird pseudo rap/hip hop type music in the background that I actually found quite annoying. I don't have a clue who sings it, but Eddie jumping around today made me think of it--except I thought his jumping was cute. He had previously made attempts at jumping in that bend the knees and jerk himself up kind of way. But this time he was jumping. And doing a good job.

Eddie has also taken to wanting his hands clean. If they get overly dirty during a meal, he holds them out to be cleaned. He is generally a clean/neat eater--except when he decides to throw stuff from his chair.

G'parents Ohio left today. Boy was I glad they came. Sure made the weekend fly by--besides which I got a lot done and they got to play with Ed. Got a new mattress for the new baby. Am borrowing a crib from some friends down the street.

In the top photo, Ed looked like a professional dog walker the way he was pulling his snail, catepiller, and dog all at the same time. I don't know what's going on with the serious face--maybe the dog is so heavy he's just focusing on holding it up.
Looks like we are in for the classic winter storm for our area. This involves several days of warning from forcasters about exactly what will happen (only in this case, they were actually quite cautious, as they didn't have a clue--and less than 12 hours from the start of the storm still don't). But what I mean by classic is that we could get anything from snow, to freezing rain, to sleet, to rain, and back again--basically just about any kind of precipitation. It's supposed to start this evening and continue into Wed.
Often forcasters completely blow it and nothing happens, but it does appear we'll get something. The worst of the ice is supposed to occur right when Ed goes to nursery school, so I suspect it will be Ed and me all day. When Cookie the nanny left today, she kept asking what else I needed her to do to make sure I had what I needed for Tuesday. She is always telling me to lay down and rest.
Ed really enjoyed his phone call with Den, hugging the phone and then kissing the phone until it was wet with slobber. I'm trying to figure out good ways over time to help him cope/understand about Den leaving. Sort of start fun traditions--if anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears. One I thought I'd do is make a calendar with the days Den will be gone and put an 'x' through each day until he comes back to help him understand. Another was to put up some pictures of Den at Eddie's level.
Cross your fingers we don't lose power with the ice. I'm just not a fan of the cold.
Oh and I don't know what's going on with the formatting. I've gone in 3 times and inserted empty lines between paragraphs! Maybe it will work this time. If not, I give up.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

From Donald Duck to Donald Zee-ba-ba

It all started when Eddie put his giant Mickey Mouse stuffed animal (a gift from friends, for the record) in his toy stroller.

G'ma and G'pa launched into a rendition of the Mickey Mouse Club Song. I wasn't in the room, but could hear the 'Donald Duck' refrain and g'ma asking Eddie if he had a Donald Duck to go with Mickey.

The next thing we know, the 2 ducks you may or may not be able in the picture above to see were renamed from Baby Duck and Mama Duck to Donald Duck. Every animal as it was handed to g'pa became Donald and then whatever the animal was named. It was pretty funny.

Eddie and G'pa were having a great time. I don't if the text will match up, but when I saw Eddie standing against the chair with his ankles crossed, it cracked me up.

He and g'pa were moving pretty quickly, so I had a difficult time getting any good photos while in action except the ones with the red and blue balls that when thrown will stick to stuff--and g'pa was purposefully making him laugh so I could get a good shot.
We had clearly prepped Eddie sufficently for Den's departure when Ed, who had been playing in the living room, saw Den's suitcase and said "bye-bye dada" as he waved his hand as if saying goodbye. While talking to Den from ATL, he hugged the phone several times, blew kisses and said 'I love you daddy." This is a new party trick--saying 'I love you."
Round about 5, I asked Ed if he wanted a snack and he tore off like a shot, squealing his tires as he rounded the corner. He nearly ate his weight in cottage cheese and applesauce and didn't want anything else to eat when we had dinner later on--lets hope he still sleeps okay given that early dinner.
I keep thinking it's Sunday, as I can't remember Den every leaving for a work trip on a Sat. It's so nice to have the g'parents here the whole weekend.

Friday, February 09, 2007

The Night Before...

For Christmas G'ma and G'pa Ohio gave Eddie these cardboard blocks. We had put them away for a later date as he had more than enough toys. Well, he found them. And he wanted them. We still have probably 15 of the small yellow ones that we haven't put together and he keeps trying to get us to.

The bottom picture I took this morning. I thought I'd see what happened if I let him color. The last time I attempted any art projects was in much warmer weather out on the back porch with these markers called 'Color Wonder.' These Color Wonder markers are supposed to only leave marks on the special paper, but they can leave some filmy type stains on other surfaces from what I've heard.

He had a great time and asked that I put his artwork up on the wall with some other artwork of his. He especially enjoyed lining up the crayons and then putting them back in the box.

The title of the post, The Night Before refers to the fact that Dennis is leaving on a work trip tomorrow (Sat.). This is not just any work trip, this is to England. He will be gone 8 days, longer than he's ever been away from Eddie.

I will be 32 weeks pregnant when he's gone (that's out of 40 total weeks). Each time he has had a trip on the calendar during the pregnancy I wondered how things would go for us back home. Yet each time it worked fine. I'm sure it will this time too, but I'm going to be wiped when Den gets back next Sat.! I've tried to schedule the days such that my parents are here this weekend, then our nanny is working an extra day and Ed's favorite babysitter is coming a couple nights towards the end of the week. Den has cooked up several meals and I think I'm about as prepared for his depature as one can be. Communications will be somewhat limited with Den, so I'm sure I'll be in withdrawl from the phone and email.

What this means for you, my reading public, is that the next 8 days of posts are going to be pretty boring for most of you so that daddy can keep up with us, but hopefully filled with lots of cute photos of our star.