Thursday, February 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Part 2

The other part of the day...

We had Cookie all day, and she showed up with a gift for Eddie and the balloon you see pictured. He went nuts over the balloon. I then got him a balloon with balloons on it, and he was so excited by both. G'parents Wisc. called to wish Eddie a happy birthday (G'parents Ohio will see him tomorrow). They sung Happy Birthday to him and this first picture with the balloon is his gleeful reaction to their serenade.

The picture of Ed holding the phone and what you'll have to believe me when I say is 'baby duck', while g'pa Wisc. sang Old McDonald Had a Farm with Eddie. The duck was saying 'quack quack here' into the phone.

He had to have a bath to clean off all that chocolate--he still loves his baths.

Den brought a toy/game back from the UK for Ed. It's a matching puzzle game. Ed was up to his usual gift opening antics and tore off individual pieces of wrapping paper, examining the wrapping paper pattern on each piece of paper and was especially excited to find a blue star.

Our little trooper had a good day!

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