For Christmas G'ma and G'pa Ohio gave Eddie these cardboard blocks. We had put them away for a later date as he had more than enough toys. Well, he found them. And he wanted them. We still have probably 15 of the small yellow ones that we haven't put together and he keeps trying to get us to.
The bottom picture I took this morning. I thought I'd see what happened if I let him color. The last time I attempted any art projects was in much warmer weather out on the back porch with these markers called 'Color Wonder.' These Color Wonder markers are supposed to only leave marks on the special paper, but they can leave some filmy type stains
He had a great time and asked that I put his artwork up on the wall with some other artwork of his. He especially enjoyed lining up the crayons and then putting them back in the box.
The title of the post, The Night Before refers to the fact that Dennis is leaving on a work trip tomorrow (Sat.). This is not just any work trip, this is to England. He will be gone 8 days, longer than he's ever been away from Eddie.
I will be 32 weeks pregnant when he's gone (that's out of 40 total weeks). Each time he has had a trip on the calendar during the pregnancy I wondered how things would go for us back home. Yet each time it worked fine. I'm sure it will this time too, but I'm going to be wiped when Den gets back next Sat.! I've tried to schedule the days such that my parents are here this weekend, then our nanny is working an extra day and Ed's favorite babysitter is coming a couple nights towards the end of the week. Den has cooked up several meals and I think I'm about as prepared for his depature as one can be. Communications will be somewhat limited with Den, so I'm sure I'll be in withdrawl from the phone and email.
What this means for you, my reading public, is that the next 8 days of posts are going to be pretty boring for most of you so that daddy can keep up with us, but hopefully filled with lots of cute photos of our star.
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