Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Ed made this in nursery school on Tuesday. Not the greatest picture of him (it's about 1 inch by not quite 2 inches), but the sentiment is there. Den and I do not traditionally celebrate V-day. But I guess with kids that is going to change. 3 kids in class handed out Valentine's, so I felt slightly sheepish not providing anything. I did give the cute little packages of Valentines a second look when I was in the drugstore earlier in the week, but figured we could hold off at least a couple years.

However, I did prepare a Valentine for Den for his trip. I NEVER do anything like that--send him notes or other things packed into his suitcase, but this time I had Eddie color a couple pictures for him and we made 8 days worth of Valentines. It was fun to do, and even more fun that he's enjoyed it so much. But I'm still not doing Valentine's Day--except for my kids!

I might have said yesterday was hump day, but today was 'hell' day. I had a second night of waking up every.single.hour. Magically almost at the same time each hour. Then last night, Ed woke at 2 or 3 AM and was inconsolable. He's done this a couple times to us recently. Don't know if he's having nightmares or what is going on, but he wound up perpendicular to me in my bed, so you can imagine how well rested we both were.

We were both snapping at each other and in general fussy. Plus, the bus system was running on emergency snow routes only, and it would have taken Cookie all morning to get here, so I told her to just stay home--she sounded pretty thankful. Tonight is supposed to get into the low teens and freeze all the already icey areas (we wound up getting a base of several inches of snow, following by sleet all night long--you could hear it hitting the windows). Hope she can get here tmr.

Eddie took a 3 hour nap and I took a 2 hour nap, which seemed to serve as good attitude adjustments for both of us. Afterwards, he asked for hot tea (he likes drinking what mom is drinking) and I countered offered with hot chocolate, which he happily accepted. He is usually incredibly neat with both, so I didn't use a bib, but the first sip out of the gate launched hot chocolate all down his shirt.

Then I broke out the graham crackers and he decided to dunk them in the hot chocolate. He got frustrated when they disintigrated so quickly and wound up with a bit at the bottom of his cup, but he was happy, I was happy and the world seemed right.

Even the card reader worked tonight. And yes, if I decide to stick a foreign object in the computer again, I'll use a freakin' screwdriver--I caught slack all over for that one.

32 week doctor's apt. tmr. Where does the time go? I'm not ready! I want this to last a while longer. Don't forget to check the 'name that baby post' a couple days back--we just need ideas--and thanks for those we've already gotten.


~Alex said...

Oh don't get me started on the V-day rant - I had to buy from Target (the selection was agonizing!) and name 22 cheapo valentine's for Eli's daycare class last night -- I would have blogged about it but would have had to bleep out too much. I drew the line at bringing in "treats" for the class party though. C'mon! They're 2! Draw some red hearts for mommy and call it a day! Eddie did make a very cute valentine for you though. Hope you both get more sleep tonight.

Anonymous said...

With school age students at least they can do the writting on the valentine cards. I don't think kids under 3 understand the holiday or the cards. I would rather do treats then cards.
David and I usually get a card and a small item for each other. When we first got married I said he never had to give me flowers on Valentine's day as long as I got flowers through out the year from him. It works out pretty well.