Thursday, September 02, 2010

The Basement Stairs

I've been wanting to remove the carpet on the basement stairs for some time. Cookie, Den and Josie have all cut their heels on the carpet tacks sticking out from the worn out carpet (we guesstimate it's 30+ years old). Den hasn't been interested in doing anything because we hadn't decided exactly what to do after we removed the carpet.

I didn't let that deter me, and one Sunday a couple weeks ago I just got it in my head and got Den to agree to help score the carpet and with a couple brute force areas. It's so much better now, but I think we'll put carpet down this fall...

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Anonymous said...

How about painting the stairs and then putting rubber treads on the part you walk on.

Kyoko said...

Hi. We are also decolating our living room. Just took off the carprt. Can you help us our stairs? We have been living 2nd floor only during the summer. To decolate our house is fun but it took us forever!!

elizabethanddennis said...

Kyoko, great to hear from you! Are you in England now? I'd be delighted to help with the stairs :) I don't think the home improvement projects ever end. We do enjoy doing them. Finding the time to do them is another matter.