Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I don't normally post to the blog while we are out of town, but will make an exception.  Bear with me here, becuase I need to vent.  Last Wed. J had a playdate with a buddy down the street she sees at least a couple times/week.  That afternoon J came down with a 102.7 degree fever.  By Thurs. afternoon she was pretty lethargic and not eating, but by Friday mroning the fever had broke and she was fine.  Nevertheless we steered clear of others all day Thurs. and Fri. 

Sat. we had a birthday party where said buddy and both sets of older siblings were there.  Sometime on Sat. J's buddy puked, we know not when.  Fast forward to Tues.  Buddy's mom and I decide to drive 5 hours round trip to a 'local' amusement park that everyone raves is great for the age range of our kids.  Everyone had a great time...but J's buddy had some odd rash all around his mouth all day and we couldn't figure out what it was.  This is also when I learned about his illness on Sat. and apparently he also had a fever at some point in the last week just like J's.

Today is Wed.  J was kind of cranky today, didn't eat anything all day and would barely drink.  We had Cookie over all morning while I packed the car and as we are driving down the street to head out on a long trip to Wisconsin, I realize I have a voicemail from J's buddy's mom saying that both boys have strep and also J's buddy has a staph infection.  The peds got us the next apointment and we barely got to the office in time.  Both my kids present with all the classic symptoms, red throats, swollen glands, J with a slight fever, Ed none and all and of course J not eating.  Yet the rapid strep came back negative.  ugh.  Almost would have been easier if it came back positive because anti-biotics could be started and away we'd go. 

Doctor suspects it's a virus, but was surprised they both came back negative, saying that if one was positive and one was negative, then both would have been put on anti-biotics.  He said they should be over the virus by Friday, but that he would call us Friday morning with the grown culture results that take 2 days to show results.  If it is strep, 24 hours of anti-biotics and they should be no longer contagious.

Den and I with the car loaded, told the kids we weren't going to be able to leave town.  To say they freaked out would be an understatement, and Den and I were plenty disappointed.  So, we decided to leave town and instead of staying with g'parents Ohio, head to another part of the state, we only got about 3 hours out of town, but the kids are excited to be in a hotel.  Tomorrow, we will head to Indy and then depending on the results of the tests and how the kids are doing, we will either finally bunk with relatives, or continue the hotel for one more night.  Eddie's rash is back, which is stressing me out and now this. 

Why is it that EVERY SINGLE TIME we have gone on vacation in the last year, someone in our family has either been sick, or become sick.  I even commented to my friend yesterday that I really can't handle having the kids sick on another trip and I really hope they can just stay healthy...

at least the Doctor seemed calm and assured me that even if we gave them another rapid strep test on Friday it wouldn't be any different because the kids were already showing signs that if they had step, it would show up in the test. 

On the drive, we passed through a couple mountain passes where the road had cut right through the mountain.  Eddie got to asking questions about if the earth was hurt and Den explained that only if they aren't careful would the earth be damaged.  That word opened up a whole line of questioning that J couldn't resist and she just cracked herself up saying DAMage, DAMage.  Den and I desparate for a laugh apparently, couldn't stop laughing either, reminding the kids to emphasize the letter 'g' in their pronounciation.

Here we are in West Virginia, a new state for the kids and crossing our fingers that no major fevers erupt and that their throats calm down in the next day or so. 

I really want to take a vacation where no one is sick prior, during or immediately after.  We take enough trips, statistically, isn't that possible?

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