We offically have 2 preschool aged kids! J turned 3 on April 3 and I'm finally sitting down after a night work meeting to post to the blog with pictures after almost 6 weeks of almost no posts.
J wanted a pink cake, which meant strawberry cake and pink icing. Cousin Jill and her mom and dad came on J's birthday, which happened to be the day before Easter (Jill's birthday fell ON Easter). It also happened to be the day we decided to dye Easter eggs...and that I learned brown eggs don't hold dye in the same way as white eggs. Doh!
J and I went to the grocery under the guise of her picking her birthday balloons, but really we needed eggs, bread and milk--and birthday balloons.
She was hard to pin down for what she wanted for her birthday meal, but we ended up with french fries and hotdog/hamburger for lunch and then grilled chicken with dipping sauce, broccoli, and I think tater tots?? Sad I've forgotten already!
Turning 3 also coinciding with giving up her pacifier. We had tried to limit its use leading up to her birthday and that did not go well, especially when it accidently got packed with checked luggage on the return flight from California. She tried to tell us the day after her birthday that she was really 2 and so we needed to give her the paci. We countered by saying she'd get a camera...I need to get out there and procure that camera!!! We have been building up to when you turn 3 and give up the paci, you'll get a camera from g'parents Ohio....now to make the selection.
She wants a pink camera, Den wants a camera that runs on lithium, not alkaline batteries and I want one that she can use the shutter. All these 'wants' don't seem like much, but the less expensive cameras don't come with lithium batteries....
We tried to make a pretty big deal of her birthday...it would have been a great day to have her party, had Easter not been the next day.
More later...must get some sleep.
We know that Josie's an angel. Is that really a crown over her head? Neat. G'mom J
Unbelievable how fast time flies! I remember sitting at my computer in CA, hot and miserable and hugely pregnant, thinking how lucky you were to finally have had Josie : ) Happy Birthday to her!
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