Sunday, April 25, 2010

Early April

Oh Blogger how I've missed thee.    On Easter Sunday we went with the then visiting Cousins to church.  Previously Jill wouldn't go to Den, but to see the Bishop, she let him hold her.  Josie was all over the pew and probably would have let the Bishop hold her.  At least everyone was quiet.  In that voice that is trying to be a whisper, but actually still sounds kind of a regular voice, right before we walk through the church doors, the kids say 'we have to be quiet'.  Usually they are pretty good. It cracks me up each time.

Having cousins visit made for a built in photo session.  Unforatunely we were each doing something goofy in each photo.  Trying to figure out how to coordinate a girl who likes pink and a boy who likes a mom who can't seem to coordinate colors for the family photos.
Whenever we have company and the kids sleep in the same room, they end up hanging out in Eddie's bed at least part of the time.  Not sure if they would have made it all night without one of them falling on the floor.... 
Josie loves to cook (Eddie too).  Here she is making her birthday cake for her party the next day (week after Easter).Posted by Picasa

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