Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Talking with Daddy

The kids wanted to draw pictures for daddy this morning whilst they talked on the phone with him. Not sure how J ended up with orange paper and Eddie pink, but there you are. Eddie went downstairs himself to get the paper and I think the crayons and got them all set up while I cleaned up breakfast dishes.

The second picture cracks me up, as Josie is leaning way in to talk. Eddie had me spell out: To: Daddy From: Eddie (course I didn't need to spell 'Eddie') so he could write it on his picture and J was upset she couldn't write the letters. If I'd been more awake, I would have helped her write the letters, but at 7:15 in the morning, I'm happy the camera is facing the correct direction.
Eddie commented that both 'daddy' and Eddie had 2 'd's.
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