Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pictures at the Park...

We have a playdate every once/week with 4 other boys who are 4 years old and their younger siblings who are 2 years old. Eddie is not as into socializing with the other boys all the time, despite them asking and while this bothers me that he won't play with them, I keep taking the kids with the hope that someday he'll change his mind. Josie likes to hang with the other kids her age and I definitely enjoy talking with the other moms.

A local preschool redid their playground 2 years ago and we went for the first time the Monday before we went to Wisconsin (so nearly 2 weeks ago). It was phenomenal!! Easily the best playground in the City. We will be going back again and again!

The kids especially loved these 'tire' swings. Josie wasn't always thrilled to be pushed by Eddie, but then Eddie isn't always thrilled to be pushed by Josie...

This was a balance beam of sorts and they had monkey bars that Eddie could just about reach and just all sorts of cool features. I'll have to take more photos of the equipment next time.
And then this picture was taken before we left for the park. I had to do a little scamming to get them to leave the house, but I really wanted to go. We had a great day, even though daddy was out of town...Posted by Picasa

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