Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Josie was napping when Eddie and Den left for a potluck Halloween party, so I didn't get a pre-shot of both kids that was good.

Here they are saying 'argh' after a night of trick and treating. She did have a little tiara, he had an eye patch, but they both came back with candy!

We had Cookie over today so we could get some things done around the house. We weren't the only people getting things done. Cookie carved 3 pumpkins, made butternut squash soup and Halloween Cookies! Oh and entertained the kids in 4 hours time.
Too tired to fret that the captions don't line up with the photos. Josie is watching Ed pulling the pumpkin seeds out. I wish I could have taken more photos with this lighting.
When I asked Ed how he got his hands clean, Ed said he wiped them on his pants. Great.
Here is Ed just before Den and Ed head out.

And the house with our cat to the right, and then more traditional pumpkins to the left.
Tonight as Ed laid down in his brand new light blue organic flannel twin sheets, he squiggled around the bed, taking in the warmth of the flannel, proclaiming he didn't need any blankets (it it almost 70 degrees outside). He also added that he wanted to be a ghost next year. Now that will be an easy costume!Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Thanx for the princess and pirate's appearances. I tho't of them as I greeted many t-or-ters at our door. Love G'mom J

Elizabeth said...

Goodness, look at all Josie's hair!! They look adorable in their Halloween costumes : )