Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Flu...or Not the Flu?

I think I'll dub the month of October (of every year) our "sick" month. We seem to have really rough Octobers (Eddie and I had chickenpox oct. 2005 and if you check pretty much October of every year involves some extended illness) and the pediatrican said that September is the worst month of the year for asthmatics, so I guess we just have a delayed reaction.

Just as we all started to feel well towards the end of this October, the kids came down with something and I seem to be battling something with flu-like symptoms. The doctor thought it was the flu, but as the test is only 40% accurate, he didn't bother. He just gave me the vacinne for H1N1 in case it wasn't the flu, put me on tamiflu in case it is the flu because I'm still on prednisone and gave me yet more prednisone.

Tonight at dinner I overheard Eddie ask Cookie who was going to put he and Josie to bed tonight. I half chuckled, half cringed. We don't even have that busy of lives and they are accustomed to a rotation of people (usually just us and Cookie) putting them to bed. This week I've been going to bed before the kids.

Den's work travel is going to start up again pretty soon, so I'll be back on call. Hopefully feeling more healthy. At least the kids and Den have their H1N1 shots as well. If you plan to get one, call your local health department/check their website or call your doctor to see if they have received a shipment. It's been pretty wild around here with people jockeying to get their shots, which is an interesting contrast to the people who don't want to receive a shot at all.

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