Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Zoo at Home and the Zoo at the Zoo

For nearly four years, I have been searching for the perfect toy storage. It needed to be at least 15 inches deep. I didn't want a toy box where everything just got tossed in and stacked upon each other. I wanted the storage to make the kids (and me) want to put away their toys. I had wanted something that was low-VOC and preferably made of 'green' materials. Needless to say, I've come up short and we gave in and chose IKEA's Besta Line. It didn't hurt that they were having a sale, so last Saturday, instead of running down my montrous 'to do' list, I played with all the options of the Besta Line.
We had Cookie come over on Sunday night so we could run down during they are loaded and...
here is my engineer - level-toting perfectionist husband ensuring that they stand straight and look right (as 'right' as IKEA furniture can look, anyway.

IKEA actually has some 'green' products, so these weren't the worst purchase, but we are kind of considering them as disposable in that 5 years down the road they will be falling apart.

Couple weeks back, a neighbor and I took our kids to the zoo. They all had a great time. It was supposed to be a quick trip up, but we spent so much time there, that we hit the 3:30 Friday rush hour.

Not sure what's on the agenda for tomorrow's outing...last week, we visited the local wetland preserve before the misquitos made that impossible.

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