Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why We Seem to Frequent the Doctor/ER

I had been coveting a radio flyer traditional trike for the kids for a while. In the stores they are around $50 and I couldn't justify them with all the other ride-on apperati we seemed to possess. So when I hit a yardsale this Sat. and this was available for $3, I grabbed it!

I didn't realize it was so big (almost too big for Ed) and Josie is definitely a number of years away from peddaling, if only because her feet won't reach. That didn't stop her from wanting to hitch a ride. She's only fallen off two or three times (and both times I was walking right behind her).

I think I need to find some wagon to attach to his bike...

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Variations on Twinkle Twinkle Little...

We think this is a dove? Any ornthologists out there? She is nesting in our window boxes/over the rail herb garden. She's been there a long time and finally gotten used to us. We can now walk past the box (with kids shouting and all) and she stays put.

She is sitting on 2 eggs...and then just one, as the other hatched (you can just barely see a little bit of the baby in the next picture).

Unrelated...when we are both home, Den probably does bedtime 95% of the time, as he claims to love that calm time with the kids. When you account for travel, it works out to be me 30% (or am I tilting the scales in the wrong direction?).

It's been a while since I've been through a full on bedtime routine, even though I sporadically help out until Den gets to the books/song part of the night. Both kids lay on his chest and they sing songs, each kid taking a turn picking (the parent in my case gets a turn too, can't speak for Den).

Tonight we sang variations of Twinkle Little Star. We sang Twinkle Little Airplane, like a Bird in the Sky. We sang twinkle little albuterol (Ed's asthma meds) to great laughter. We then did Twinkle Little Pulmicort (another asthma med). Can I say how hard I have to concentrate to type Twinkle Little Star correctly. Yikes!

Before Eddie could really talk much, he would hum songs. We started to play close attention. It turns out he was humming Twinkle Little Star. Sometime around then I learned the ABC song and Twinkle Little Star are the same melody. I have a hard enough time coming up with good stories to tell, let alone on the fly lyrics to TLS.

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This past weekend...

This is Josie on the day she was diagnosed with walking pneumonia. She had just woken from a nap (in her crib) and had a 103.5 degree temperature. My heart ached to see her like this.

This is Eddie the next day, Saturday. Here he built a ferry out of some unit blocks I'd gotten that morning at a great yard sale. He played with the blocks all day and I just loved the creativity they inspired, from a garage to a ferry to a rectangle laid out along the carpet.
This is also on Saturday, just 24 hours after the first shot, J is running around. She definitely did a lot of laying around, but when she was up, she was up! Here they are playing with a neighbor friend with the hose.

It used to be that I didn't want them to play with the hose and waste all the water. Now I'm happy it keeps them entertained and rationalize that at least we have a spray nozzle on the hose. It kept them going for well over an hour. That and a little 'sink' with a pump we had outside. I'll have to find a pikkie of that sometime...

She has a diaper on...but as she got each article of clothing wet, she insisted on taking it off. Not sure if you can see her tongue, but she is sticking it out!
So yesterday, just before she is to get the final dose of antibiotic for her ear infection and pneumonia, she breaks out in a rash. Cookie said it started around 12:30 and she called me at 2, because it was time for the meds and the rash was getting worse. Does this sound familar? It was only on her head and neck, but we were at the peds within an hour. She is now allergic to all three families of drugs they offer kids her age, so we have an apointment with an allergist in two weeks to determine if she really is allergic, or if (I hope) she happens to be a kid who breaks out in hives when she has a viral infection.
Did I mention Den was out of town for this whole saga? Umpteen calls to Auntie L. who is my medical consult, calls to our insurance company nurse line and finally calls to the after hours line of our pediatrician when Josie didn't respond to the benadryll we gave her 1.5 hours before. I was a mess, but Cookie and Den tried to keep me calm and Josie woke up this morning basically welt-free. I did go up with a flashlight before I went to bed to see if the welts had spread.
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Friday, June 19, 2009

Because a Skull Fracture isn't Enough Excitement around here...

We took Josie to our follow up neurologist appointment this week. Who knew our neighbor was a pediatric neurologist and his office would be so efficiently run that we'd get a call from his office to make the apointment after talking with him in the street? Really made it bad that we were 20 minutes late (lots of excuses lined up). What a nice change from chasing around the doctors that our pediatrican had recommended. He prounced Josie healed. Said there was no reason to do a followup CT and re-affirmed what the doctors at the hospital had said, that it was super tiny. That kids probably walk around unwittingly with those types of skull fractures all the time. What a relief, now to move on to nusing a couple sick kids.

Josie started a 102 degree fever on the Sunday we left for NJ. It came and went all week, ranging from 101-a high of 103.5 today. She and Eddie have summer colds and while we have Eddie on his usual cold-induced regimen of albuterol and pulmicort, Josie was the one who kept us both up last night. They've both been pushing their limits and been in pretty bad moods, one of our best indicators that they are ill, as they are usually pretty even-keeled. After a night of no sleep, we decided to see the pediatrican. As she listened to Josie's lungs and again to her lungs and again, then said she'd check her ears and throat and then we'd talk, I knew something was up.

She's got walking pneumonia in her right lung and an ear infection in her left ear. Poor Josie. I had the doctor check out Eddie just to be sure as he's been doing his share of the coughing around here. She said his lungs sounded fine, not perfect, but fine and his ears looked great. Even Den is in on the sickness--and he has to board a flight next week...

So we're laying low this weekend...

The Ferry

Eddie was asking all sort of questions about how the ferry would work. How we would get the car on, etc. We didn't know the answers to some of them, and I'd never been on a 'drive your own car on' ferry as the driver before. It was pretty darn cool.
Once the car gets on the boat, the guide you to a spot pretty quickly and you are welcome to visit your car anytime you want (also new for me).

Josie had started to drift off to sleep right as we were arriving at the ferry. Den woke her up by telling her we were almost at the ferry. Course then she had an hour to go before we got on the ferry. She zonked out just after we got underway and remained that way until just before we docked, just over an hour.
I was curious what the GPS would have to say about the ferry...Posted by Picasa

Cape May

In a moment of weakness (and perhaps remembering the loooong drive up on Sunday), Den agreed to take the Cape May-Lewes ferry home. It took longer to get to Cape May than we expected, so we only had about an hour on the beach, but after a quick spin through town, we found a spot that seemed more quiet than others, paid our $5/person for adults and headed across the warm glorious sand.

I must admit, I didn't expect the houses to be quite as large as they were. But then the next block in, all the houses were 'normal' sized. Pretty funny.
Not sure if Eddie knew what he was doing when he agreed to walk towards the water with dad and throw a rock in. He definitely commented about how cold it was at the beach. I had forgotten their cool weather clothes and in a fury, when out shopping one night after bedtime to get long pants, long sleeves, and jackets. It was freezing.

I love traveling, but to this day, the most difficult packing for me is to pack for a climate other than the one I am experiencing. I always pack with the mantra of 'I can always buy it if I really need it'. We really needed the warmer clothes! There were actually some people in the water, I wondered where they were from. Den claims he wasn't cold as he rolled up the kid's brand new long pants. J refused to wear her super adorable new coat--it wasn't pink, so I think I'll have to trade it in for pink...
Den and I saw the below picture happening at the same time, just cracked us up, of Josie 'doing a push up' in the sand.
Then she pursued sand-castle destroying...
They had a great time and it made me really want to drive out to the shore a couple times this summer even though the water is always too cold for me.Posted by Picasa

Seseme Place

Den had a 2-day meeting in Northern NJ, so the kids and I tagged along. I'd been dying to check out Seseme Place as so many parents on the local listserves rave about it. I was under-impressed. I was with the kids by myself and park policy prohibited me from taking the kids on 1/2 the rides as a group of 3. For a park geared to the small fry, that was pretty disappointing.

One ride we could go on were these balloons behind us, then went up in the air and spun around. It was this ride, along with the caroseul that I realized I am no longer cut out for rides that spin in circles.

After a false start, Eddie loved these nets. It was about the only area of the whole park we could really go on as a family (sort of), so we spent a lot of time here. Eddie fearlessly climbed all over the nets and then wanted to visit the third story of nets (VERY high off the ground) and I was just too nervous for him.
Josie had some difficulties getting out of the stroller. At lunch she boinked her head on a metal handrail and then as we got out another time, whilst holding my hand, she fell onto her knees, re-opening an almost healed cut. It was a bleeder too. Blood was gushing out like a fountain. She was screaming and Eddie was just trying to keep up with me running first to the bathroom and then finding first aide.

To make up for the mommy guilt, Josie wanted a lollypop. This was literately the only lollypop style they sold in the whole park. Really? They were over $3/each and the kids ate about an inch worth and so far haven't realized they are still in the fridge in case they want them.
Then again, given the mess (above), I should probably throw them out.
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Welcome Home...Your Home Phone is Kaput!

We just returned home from a little jaunt to NJ to accompany Den on a work trip. Our Home phone does work. I did not need the three calls to Verizon to tell you that, but apparently they did. It seems our number might be crossed with the number of another family in our City. The good news is that while Verizon had told me in call number 2 to 'reset' our home phone system by unplugging every single phone and every power cord, I decided not to follow through. The bad news is that with call number 3 when I was able to tell them that caller ID showed calls from our home phone registered to another number, Verizon told me the FIRST available apointment was June 29.

This means that anytime someone calls our phone number the phone will not ring at our house. It will apparently go into voicemail and someone can leave us a message. If someone tries calling this other family, our phone will ring and when we answer, and like a bad prank, the phones will disconnect. Sure hope the other family aren't night owls. And why couldn't this have happen during the election we just had, that would have been good timing.

This morning when I tried making phone calls, there was an echo, like being in a chamber--that was when I had a good connection. When I had a bad connection, I would call someone, like Den and he would answer. The phone would continue to ring on his end and you would go to his voicemail. He was able to forward the call into submission into his voicemail and we could kind of talk. Crazy thing is the other family must have call waiting because when we talk on the phone, we can hear the call waiting beep. Can you just imagine what my cell phone bill will be??? Verizon says they'll credit us for the time our phone service is out. If my cell phone bill is crazy high, I'll be sending it along to Verizon. Any tips for how to get them to cover this problem?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Zoo at Home and the Zoo at the Zoo

For nearly four years, I have been searching for the perfect toy storage. It needed to be at least 15 inches deep. I didn't want a toy box where everything just got tossed in and stacked upon each other. I wanted the storage to make the kids (and me) want to put away their toys. I had wanted something that was low-VOC and preferably made of 'green' materials. Needless to say, I've come up short and we gave in and chose IKEA's Besta Line. It didn't hurt that they were having a sale, so last Saturday, instead of running down my montrous 'to do' list, I played with all the options of the Besta Line.
We had Cookie come over on Sunday night so we could run down during they are loaded and...
here is my engineer - level-toting perfectionist husband ensuring that they stand straight and look right (as 'right' as IKEA furniture can look, anyway.

IKEA actually has some 'green' products, so these weren't the worst purchase, but we are kind of considering them as disposable in that 5 years down the road they will be falling apart.

Couple weeks back, a neighbor and I took our kids to the zoo. They all had a great time. It was supposed to be a quick trip up, but we spent so much time there, that we hit the 3:30 Friday rush hour.

Not sure what's on the agenda for tomorrow's outing...last week, we visited the local wetland preserve before the misquitos made that impossible.

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Sunday, June 07, 2009

Art Al Fresco

Did some work around the house, reclaiming things that had been put away during the addition last summer. Among them, some easels. The kids love to paint, they love art projects. This kept them going for about 20 minutes.

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The Merry Month of May 'Saved'

Trying to figure out how to save these posts from the sidebar...

document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eEddie at bedtime: \x22I\x27m getting a beard...because I am getting older.\x22\x3c/div\x3e");
Eddie at bedtime: "I'm getting a beard...because I am getting older."
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eEddie at dinner: \x22Grapefruit helps you sleep.\x22 Den, \x22why\x27s that?\x22 Eddie: Because it makes you close your eyes.\x22\x3c/div\x3e");
Eddie at dinner: "Grapefruit helps you sleep." Den, "why's that?" Eddie: Because it makes you close your eyes."
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eThe kids love standing on the couch and looking out the front window hollering and waving to those coming and going from our house (especially daddy)\x3c/div\x3e");
The kids love standing on the couch and looking out the front window hollering and waving to those coming and going from our house (especially daddy)
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eEddie currently wants to be an airplane pilot when he grows up\x3c/div\x3e");
Eddie currently wants to be an airplane pilot when he grows up
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eJosie is asking to sit on the potty (and actually pees)\x3c/div\x3e");
Josie is asking to sit on the potty (and actually pees)
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eEddie loves Strawberry milkshakes and Josie prefers Chocolate (with soy ingrediants)\x3c/div\x3e");
Eddie loves Strawberry milkshakes and Josie prefers Chocolate (with soy ingrediants)
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eJosie will watch about 20 minutes of TV before getting bored; Eddie will watch 2 hours!\x3c/div\x3e");
Josie will watch about 20 minutes of TV before getting bored; Eddie will watch 2 hours!
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eThere is no such things as \x22Minor\x22 skull fracture to a parent\x3c/div\x3e");
There is no such things as "Minor" skull fracture to a parent
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3e\x22She Just Let Go\x22 Eddie\x27s description of how Josie fell off the stairs\x3c/div\x3e");
"She Just Let Go" Eddie's description of how Josie fell off the stairs
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3e\x22Paci, mommy\x22 is the first and only thing Josie says to me on days we have Cookie\x3c/div\x3e");
"Paci, mommy" is the first and only thing Josie says to me on days we have Cookie
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eSomeday Eddie would like to \x22ride in a submarine, fly in a hot air balloon and use a boat to get to Florida\x22\x3c/div\x3e");
Someday Eddie would like to "ride in a submarine, fly in a hot air balloon and use a boat to get to Florida"
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eWe can only go to the 10am service, the afternoon services are not \x22church time\x22 according to Eddie\x3c/div\x3e");
We can only go to the 10am service, the afternoon services are not "church time" according to Eddie
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eNeither Den nor I held hands growing up during \x27Grace\x27, but somehow our kids have made it part of the meal\x3c/div\x3e");
Neither Den nor I held hands growing up during 'Grace', but somehow our kids have made it part of the meal
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eEddie loves helping his sister\x3c/div\x3e");
Eddie loves helping his sister
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eJosie gets hot and cold confused sometimes\x3c/div\x3e");
Josie gets hot and cold confused sometimes
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eJosie Likes to Ask \x22Where Did Daddy Go?\x22 when he is right there\x3c/div\x3e");
Josie Likes to Ask "Where Did Daddy Go?" when he is right there
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
Edit Delete
document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eFor Mother\x27s Day I got to Sleep in (on and off) until 11am!\x3c/div\x3e");
For Mother's Day I got to Sleep in (on and off) until 11am!
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
Edit Delete
document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eEddie no longer wants to sit in his Stokke high chair; Josie is hit or miss\x3c/div\x3e");
Eddie no longer wants to sit in his Stokke high chair; Josie is hit or miss
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
Edit Delete
document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eJosie loves her Minnie Mouse doll\x3c/div\x3e");
Josie loves her Minnie Mouse doll
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
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document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eEddie wants to use a \x27big boy fork\x27, which is really a salad fork\x3c/div\x3e");
Eddie wants to use a 'big boy fork', which is really a salad fork
document.write("\x3ctd class\x3d\x22reshuffle-container\x22\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22reshuffle\x22\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
Edit Delete
document.write("\x3cdiv class\x3d\x22itemcontent\x22\x3eJosie counted to 13; Eddie counted to 100\x3c/div\x3e");
Josie counted to 13; Eddie counted to 100

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Saying Goodbye

We kept the g'parents here as long as we could and they finally at nearly 11am said they had to get on the road.

I just love this second photo of Josie,holding the door, bent over. I wonder what she and the g'parents were saying to each other.
So this last picture is of Josie and Eddie watching the top get put down. Eddie calls it the flip down top, and Josie clearly didn't remember it from last year. I'm not sure if she is concerned that the roof is going away or what, but it cracked me up. Eddie knew the drill and thought it great fun. They are still talking about the g'parents. Tonight Eddie said he wanted grandpa to get him dressed after his bath. I said he'd have to wait a while for that.Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 01, 2009

Waiting for the g'parents

G'parents Ohio have a knack for arriving right during rush hour. I don't know why they do it to themselves, but you'd think since they come about once/month, they'd get it together...
They called to say they were stuck in traffic and the kids were fooling around. I don't know how Cookie gets Josie's hair like this, she will never let me put it up. I have several more photos to post from the weekend...someday. Eddie was really upset to see g'parents leave today. He wanted to get in the car and drive out to their house. It was really cute. Not sure when we'll next see them between all the various traveling schedules...hopefully sometime in July.

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