Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Happy Birthday Josie

Say it isn't so! Josie turned 2 on Friday. And being the good mama that I am, I left town for the first time ever of leaving Eddie, Josie and Den. The guilt almost was too much, but as most folks said, she doesn't know what day her birthday is--as Eddie says, she's not 2 until she eats the cake!
Here they are obscuring the awesome kitchen g'parents Ohio just bought. Normally I fail to appreciate things like small footprints, yet this kitchen is great because it's so tiny and it seems well made. The kids LOVE playing with it.
Eddie was proud of himself (rightly so) for how well he stayed in the lines. I will admit, not knowing the capabilities of a four year old, I was likewise a bit impressed.

Here she is: Ms. 2-year old, almost to the minute. Josie generally loves smiling for the camera. Her 2 year old visit is tomorrow, so we'll find out the stats and also get a check up on her ear infection and pink eye.

She has figured out how to open our pantry door, even though she can't open the handle. She slides open the drawer next to the pantry which allows her to get her fingers in for a grasp of the door. Once inside she either finds what she wants or asks to be picked up to find her craving. I'd love to know who showed her that trick.

Her words are quite clear, "right here" as she points to where she wants something. She is learning her numbers and letters (!). Her hands down favorite book is "The Best Nest", by PD Eastman. She also likes Make Way for Ducklings and Mike Mulligan and the Steam Shovel. Lately she's been requesting the 123 Numbers book, which cracks me up.

She is almost in 2T, still wearing some 18-24 month clothes, but I only buy 2T. It comforted me to talk to a mother of 3 who said it took until her youngest was 5 before she got rid of the baby clothes...

Josie and Eddie are the best of friends and I hope that continues into adulthood. She gets exactly 1 more year with the pacifier and then when she turns 3, it will go away. I know not how yet, but away it will go.
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nbalike said...
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Anonymous said...

What a beautiful 2 year old --and to think that is our granddaughter.
Yes, Eddie, you certainly stay within the lines. You'll find life will be easier--maybe not as interesting if you stay in the lines most of the time.
G'mom J