Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Random thoughts to go with random photos

Now that I've discovered the computer problems we are having are likely related to my outlook, I'm happy to try and post a couple photos (cause I can't do anything with my outlook email).
When g'parents Ohio came for Ed's birthday, they brought a couple gifts for Josie so she wouldn't feel left out. She got a doll's highchair just like the one she uses that g'ma had been dying to give her. I do love that she wanted to use the screwdriver herself to put it together. Not sure if she followed the 'righty, tighty, lefty, losey rule', but she had fun.

Tonight Ed wanted to fill up the humidifers. I loosed the lid and the kids took turns unscrewing the caps and turning the faucet on, then replacing the caps. Gotta love that independent streak. Then Eddie said he wanted Josie to help him with his pajamas. It ended up being Eddie explaining to Josie that the tag goes in the back and that 'this leg you put in first, then pull it up and then the other leg goes in, like this'.

This picture of the kids under the chair is actually from the trip Den was on prior to the current trip. When I've had enough sleep, it's not bad when he's away, it's on nights that I haven't gotten to sleep on time that it's not so good.

So this awesome book, the complete name of which escapes me (due to a lack of sleep), I think it's called Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child or something, but the author talks about how sleep begets sleep. This was a difficult concept for me to get my head around until last night (and I've been reading and re-reading it since Eddie was born). I was extremely well rested by the time Den left, yet at 8pm last night I was ready for bed. Couldn't go to bed then, it was too early and egads! I could wake at 5am, ready for the day. Then 9pm came and I shamefully got sucked into a show I'd tivoed. Before I knew it, the clock said 11.
And then it said 5:30am and Josie had coughed herself awake. Now, last night because I was soooo tired, I put the leftovers last night in a drawer in the kitchen cabinets, but tonight, with even less sleep, I can't fall asleep, because I've not had enough sleep and I can't settle myself down to relax. My brain has kicked into overdrive and I need a second glass of wine--something that isn't exactly the first option you pursue with a kid. I finally get it. I can't explain it, but I do get it.

I'd better get myself to bed and in a hurry, J just coughed herself awake. Ugh. Hope she doesn't develop the walking pneumonia g'parents Ohio just got diagnosed with today.

So this is the first and last time Eddie has worn a turtle neck this winter. He's got a full drawer of them, but no desire to wear any...except this one with the airplanes, cars and such on it.

Enjoy the photos...
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics. I am ready to come home now! Den