Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Day 2 of 6

So I always wonder if I should write on here when Den is out of town...he is attending training and he claims he is not getting the opportunity to experience the 70 degree weather they are having. I'd happily sit inside just to get 2 hours/day of 70 degree weather if it meant escaping the 12 degrees we had last night.

He left yesterday, right after the 'storm' plowed through. He gets back Sat. afternoon.

Here the kids are helping Den with clean up after icing Ed's birthday cake. I don't want to think about how much sugar they both ingested that day.

Just in case you doubted it, g'ma Ohio does arts and crafts (when pressed into service). She cut all the cat and dog ears and the bands for the party hats.
I don't know why but these photos of Josie cracked me up. I delegated getting Josie dressed for the party to the g'parents and this dress is what she selected. She definitely likes a dress (especially when it's pink). There is a great store by us that sells beautiful hand-smocked dresses and if I go in at the right time, I can buy for the next season on sale.
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Anonymous said...

You should have seen Eddie & Josie help make Rice Krispie treats. They needed baths after helping with those.

Anonymous said...

That first pink picture of Josie looks like she's saying "You want a piece of this, punk?"

Word verification: "mishigas." I'll say! I didn't even know that Blogger spoke Yiddish.