Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hanging out

This is another post that should have been posted (I have about 6 of these where I uploaded the photos and then never got the chance). The kids have been sick for about 2.5 weeks and we had a slight scare with hand, foot, mouth, but a doctor's visit confirmed we are in the clear and don't have it. Good to know my kids aren't eating poop.

Eddie has entered the bandaide phase. These are actually covered misquito bites to prevent him from scratching them. I can't believe how big Josie has gotten. She just seems to have shot up overnight. And, she has quite the personality. She is just now finally starting to talk--ball and balloon are close cousins in her diction. She has probably a dozen other words that come into play at random times, from people's names to objects. She'll say them once exactly as they are pronounced and then not again for a long while.

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