Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Eddie and Josie -- Together At Last

Whoops! I thought I had posted this a while back (on the 5th). After months of trying to get Eddie and Josie to be within 5 feet of each other, we got the following pictures in pretty close sucession. I maintain that this top one is the best/my favorite. Needless to say, they are into sunglasses at the moment.

Eddie is really into hugging and kissing J. He loves to hold her hand, but she doesn't usually want to hold his. Who can blame her tho' as at some point he ends up yanking something from her hands, or walloping her or in some way making the interaction more than sweet hand-holding.

I bought them a doctor kit complete with a doctor's lab coat. I'm still looking for the stethscope that you can hear real heartbeats through like what I had when I was a kid.
Eddie looks like my sister in this second 'doctor' picture. Cracks me up, esp. since Josie was the one who always seemed to resemble my side of the family.
Don't know if you can tell in this picture at the table, but Josie is cracking up. She is just laughing hysterically. This is one of the first times they both ate a meal at the table and were able to stay there. She loves sitting at the table. Den and I are just anxious to have the dining room back. We find we are eating more food because we are grazing as we stand and that is affecting the waistline.Posted by Picasa

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