Sunday, July 27, 2008

Phone photos from the Beach

I was just complaining to Den about the problems I've had uploading my phone photos to the blog, esp. becaue they're just so darn cute.
Den and I wondered how J would do on the 8.5 hour drive and I vowed not to make the trek if she weren't forward facing. She did really well, except for refusing to nap on the way down.
She loved playing with this computer. Not sure what she did with it, but if it occupied her time and wasn't harmful, I was all for it (I was riding shotgun, also known as the throw-things-to-the-back-seat-of-the-car and hope for the best seat).

Josie LOVES books. She won't usually sit still for me to read to her--but will sit still for others. She really seems to like this book as it has lots of 'touch and feel' components.

Eddie and Josie did a bunch of laps like this, him holding her hand though the track of the beach house. btw, he STILL talks about the beach house and wanting to go back to the beach to play with everyone and esp. play in the sand.

This was taken just as we picked up the kids from the playground to head back home. The kids had a great time and I think the adults too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics Thanx. Gmom L