Sunday, July 27, 2008

Other beach photos

G'parents Ohio and Aunt and Uncle took a lot more photos than we did, so we were fortunate that they (g'parents) shared what they had. (We had bought a gizmo to share everyones photos with each other but by the last night were so exhausted with repacking, that we aborted that mission).

The first night we arrived at the beach, upon seeing the ocean, Eddie went running for the water, which mind you, it was low tide, so we had probably 50 to 100 yards to get to the water. As he is running, he is trying to take off his shirt so he can go jumping into the water. It was so cute and funny at the same time as we tried to explain that the next day we'd come to the beach all day, but that this was just a recon trip.

Josie LOVED the water too, nobody wanted to leave that first night, but it was around 7:30/8 and we were wiped out.

I put this in (this is the battery in Charleston) because Eddie had fallen asleep in the stroller and unwittingly peed his pants, so he has no pants on in this picture. I had an extra pair of underwear, but for some reason no pants.
Aunt L and Uncle D on the day they toured with the g'parents.

G'parents Ohio. G'pa served on the Carrier, the USS Shangra-La in the early 1960s. We grew up hearing about it. Well, at the Carrier in C'town (the Yorktown??) they had a shop with a little display and a HAT for sale with the Shangra-La. The ship was long ago made into razor blades, so everyone was excited to see the hat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The beach pics are great.