Thursday, April 03, 2008

THREE Years Old!!!

Just realized I'd better post this before Eddie turns 4! G'parents Ohio came out for his birthday and was he ever excited. Despite my best efforts at getting him to have a party, he just wanted a quiet family celebration--with Josephine.

In the last several months he has mellowed significantly over his sister getting into what he perceives to be his 'stuff'. Thank goodness--I was close to the edge on that one. Right now, it's when she tries to take food from his plate, or as today, when she tried to pull his chair out from under him, so she could push the chair across the room.

Eddie has also learned that for now the dining room table is a safe place for him to escape her. Well, mostly. Josie definitely learned the wrapped gifts thing a lot faster than Eddie as she tries to 'help' him unwrap his birthday gifts.

I've got lots more to post, but have been holding onto these photos for a month now and just want to get them up!

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