Thursday, April 03, 2008

One Year Old!

If you ask Eddie how old he is, he will typically tell you 3. If you ask him about Josie, he will now say 1. Her first birthday came so much faster than his first birthday. I still regret not having a big blow-out party for Eddie and that of course precludes a big party for J's first, but we had a good time with the g'parents, godparent and nanny.

I just have to explain this photo. Eddie and Cookie made the cake. Eddie was DYING to have a piece of the cake, so when we served all the pieces, as he patiently waited, he picked up his fork and slid the remaining half of a cake over to dig in.

Little Bo Peep with her bear.


soliluna said...

Happy bday to Josie! (and belated to Eddie, too!) hope you're all well. miss you, p

Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday Josie!! Hope to see you soon : )