I'm sure I've mentioned how Eddie has assigned animals to our family. He very often refers to us as these animals instead of our names so that in public we're having a conversation like this:
Eddie: Where's the sheep?
me: He's at work.
Eddie: Where's the cat?
me: Right here
Eddie: Where's the dog?
me: Right here
Eddie: What's the cow doing?
me: The cow is pushing the cart
Yesterday it rained and rained here, sometimes coming in buckets and other times just drizzle, but ALL DAY. Eddie looked out the back window at the construction site and said something to the effect of: There's a lot of mud down there. Did it rain so that there would be mud and the pigs would come to the mud? Are we going to have pigs come to the mud at our house?
It's the near one-liners like this that crack me up.
Is there some explanation for renaming family members that I simply do not understand? Is so, are grandparents being renamed?
Grandma Oho
Well, I'm guessing the child development experts would say something about pretend play (and maybe we have bowling pins to thank). G'ma Ohio is a duck, g'pa Ohio is a Pig. G'ma Wisc. is a lion and g'pa wisc is an elephant. Cookie was a cow until Eddie got busted that I was also the cow, now Cookie is a pig.
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