Friday, April 11, 2008

80 -100 degrees

It was glorious 80 degrees today! Both kids took 2 hour naps--at the same time. That hasn't happened in I don't know how long when it hasn't involved a ride in a car--and even then it's been a while.
Besides the addition, we had 2 doctor's visits this week. Wed. for Josie was supposed to be her 1 year apt.--and it was--and will be another post, but she got diagnosed with an ear infectionand had been apparently running a 100 + degree fever. Thurs. was Eddie's turn. Mercifully they had us in and out in 30 min.--I think they felt sorry for me. Eddie had a sinus infection and a 100+ degree fever.
This morning Eddie woke at 4am, just as a flash back to when he was learning to sleep through the night. He had a really bad fever--I couldn't find our broken thermometer, so I can just say really hot. He was wide awake for the day and remained so until a bout 2:30 this afternoon. Now we're the proud owners of not one, but two new thermometers. Oh and a battery powered suctioner. Eddie is afraid of the noise even though it plays music and he's the whole reason I purchased the thing. Oh well. Haven't bought a useless baby gizmo in a while, guess it was time.

Have a nice weekend.


meg said...

My resident Potatohead insists that you're never too young for a sinus infection.

Sorry to hear about everybody's trip to Feverville.

Anonymous said...

We are not surprized about Eddie and Josie being so sick as they were not feeling well last weekend. Just hope the fever goes away very soon and they get to feel better and you and Dennis do not get as sick. A nice picture of you'll even if the children do not look particularly happy. Who took the picture?
Grandma Ohio