Monday, April 14, 2008


The kids had a rebound on their colds and are sick again/still sick. Ugh. Josie was hoisting her leg up on the couch, trying to climb up. She is entering that stage where she wants to self feed--with a spoon. The next 6 months are going to be messy. Eddie is peeing for jelly beans and ocassionally other candy too. So far he is enjoying the work on the house, although he still says he doesn't want a larger house.

Meanwhile, work on the house continues. Eddie sat out front for a while watching the cement truck. There was a continuous loop of wheelbarrows filled with cement, one person would leave on one side of the house and another would come from the other side. It was fun to watch.

I also took Eddie out back and we stood looking in the trenches. Cookie stood in the corner of the yard, holding her breath that I wouldn't trip and drop Eddie into the cement.
I don't want to know how Den snapped these when he got home from work. Looks like he was hanging out the 2nd story window. It's difficult to get a photo of the whole work area.

The workmen have been super nice and friendly. Things are apparently moving along fine. They have been able to further refine their work schedule, yet they don't know exactly which week they'll come into the basement (it depends on when the formaldehyde-free plywood arrives and there isn't a firm date on that). I'm just happy it won't be before this weekend when we have a fundraiser for the Soft Playroom. It will be either next week or the following week--think jack-hammers and sledge-hammers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Progress is definitely being made on the home addition. Looks like Eddie will get an education in home construction beyond the regular home maintence he already gets from Dennis.
Grandma Ohio