Friday, March 07, 2008

My Case for a Minivan

This is Exhibit A for why I need a minivan. Not sure I have a photo of it, but G'pa Wisc. has been known to have a similar pose--crawling out of our thrid row seat.

I really do wish we'd bought a minivan. Especially after 2 trips in the last 6 months during which we rented minivans. Sexy, no, practical and loaded with cool, family-friendly features, yes. Plus some get about the same gas milage I do in my hybrid, but don't get me started.

Now if we can just get through our addition in one piece, I can get Den to spring for one in a couple years.


Anonymous said...

And did you really have to post this picture? I was being such a good support about riding in the back seat.

elizabethanddennis said...

I don't think it's a bad photo. I do think it shows that at your age you're still nimble :)