Friday, March 07, 2008

10 and 11 month updates

On the 'meaning to write' list are Josie's updates.
So here we go, starting with 10 months--that would be during the month of January, as she turned 10 months Feb. 3.

Kind of wild to think back that far as so much as changed. Will try and stick to just 9/10 months though:

eating broccoli. Early in January she was pushing through her second tooth and Cookie taughter her to dance-- 'bila, bila, bila' as she claps and Josie moves around. During January, Josie's night time schedule got more condensed and on Jan. 8 she made it from 8 to 5am. Just 8 months ahead of Eddie on this accomplishment. In addition to dancing, she was standing on her own and clapping (now of course she is just about ready to walk).

While in FLA she was consistently 'free-standing' for several seconds. and by the end of the trip, she was up to 20 seconds like this. Walking, we thought was imminent.

She was also starting to rely almost entirely on table food for her meals. She refused to be spoon fed for the first time.Then there is her second ear infection in a month--are we headed for tubes?

She was starting to outgrow her larger 6-month clothes at the end of January.

For his part during this time, Eddie began setting the table. Instead of Cheerios, he said 'Cheer-nose'. Cracked us up--still does. They are both cheerios and fruit puffs freaks. Occupies and entertains them both throughout the entire meal.

Eddie offically entered the "watch this!" phase. I think this phase will never end. But he actually said 'watch this!' as he drove his remote controlled car off a stool. Eddie was still wearing 2T without a problem, but I knew he'd need 3T before winter weather ended, so we started that transition.

The top pikkie is just before Den went out west on Feb. 6. I have no photo of her on Feb. 3.

The bottom 2 pictures were taken this past Monday, when she was offically 11 months. In fact they were taken a short time before her brother slammed into the garage.

We introduced yogart on Feb. 5 and on the 6th she broke out in hives--come to find she is allergic to the family of Amoxicillian/Penacillian, etc. Did I mention that I also got a flat tire that day and Den left for a 6 day trip? She broke out in hives while I was feeding her on Den's next trip and then we ultimately learned she also has a mild dairy allergy when she broke out in even worse hives after being fed yogart It's 2 out of a scale of 6, so the doctor said she has a good chance of outgrowing it, but we are to transition her to soy milk (the doc also tested for carrots and soy--which were fine) when turns one year.

It's weird, with the amox, the doc said the allergy doesn't necessarily show up with the first course of drugs, so when she had an allergic reaction 2 weeks after we had introduced yogart, I was almost positive it was the culprit.

J actively uses teething rings and rattles (whereas Eddie wasn't really interested). In a rather unremarkable way, Josie was weaned last month. I didn't exactly mean for it to happen, but I wasn't as upset as I was when it happened with Eddie. Both kids I nursed til 10 months and I feel good about that. I always had 6 months as my goal and I exceeded it in both cases. It just gets to the point where they are eating so many solids that somehow I feel like I'm not making as much milk.

Josie now will pull the high chair towards her, which is cute. Pretty much beginning in February Josie began sleeping solidly through til 6:30 or so--yipee! A couple times she has almost taken a step--often she'll step/lunge forward and reach for something in the same motion. She'll walk holding onto items and people's hands. She doesn't seem to like to walk for very long periods though.

During February she just about completely outgrew her 9 month clothes. She definitely had a growth spurt as even I notice that she seems larger. She consistently waves 'bye-bye' which is might cute. True she waves for other things too that aren't bye-bye, but she waves on command. Cookie thinks she is already doing pretend play, which I think is a stretch., but she definitely seems like a sharp kid.

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