Saturday, April 28, 2007

Oh Shoot!

I am apt to utter the ocassional profanity and Dennis has been certain that I am going to utter something that we will hear like a broken record from Ed.

Turns out Den was the one Ed would repeat. Granted it wasn't the level of word that I use, but hearing your son imitate your inflection in saying 'Oh shoot' is pretty funny.
Other words Ed learned today were asparagus and garden. Although he is planting green beans in this picture with g'ma Wisc.

We (or they, as I reclined on the couch) planted the vegetable garden this year. We have 3 kinds of tomatos, 3 kinds of peppers, 2 kinds of lettuce, eggplant, green beans, and basil.
Here are a couple snaps of Josie. They are actually out of order, as she had her hand above her head until the flash went off and then made the face.
She had us up from just before 3am to eat and wouldn't fall asleep until 6:30am. Now she has slept all day and I'm a little worried about this evening...

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