Sunday, April 29, 2007

flower power

Ed seems to really like flowers. Just about since they started blooming this year, Ed has been picking bouquets of flowers for his mama. It's sweet really. I get everything from dandelions to azeleas and some that I don't want to know from whose yard they were plucked.

G'parents Wisc. (well Ohio too) are in love with the azeleas we have this time of year and really just flowers in general. So when she came upon this display of petals, she wanted her grandchildren photographed. Unfortunately, they don't always cooperate. Ed went at first because Josie was otherwise occupied. Then Josie went and Eddie was not interested in going. Oh well.

I am still having difficulty recovering from when I overdid it last week, so I stayed home while the rest of the gang walked down the street for the photos, here's what they brought back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pictures are lovely. I have to laugh because we took Jill to the botanical gardens last weekend, and had the same issue. The pictures would have been so lovely if only she would have stayed still long enough to get a shot!

Take care----Kara