Saturday, February 10, 2007

From Donald Duck to Donald Zee-ba-ba

It all started when Eddie put his giant Mickey Mouse stuffed animal (a gift from friends, for the record) in his toy stroller.

G'ma and G'pa launched into a rendition of the Mickey Mouse Club Song. I wasn't in the room, but could hear the 'Donald Duck' refrain and g'ma asking Eddie if he had a Donald Duck to go with Mickey.

The next thing we know, the 2 ducks you may or may not be able in the picture above to see were renamed from Baby Duck and Mama Duck to Donald Duck. Every animal as it was handed to g'pa became Donald and then whatever the animal was named. It was pretty funny.

Eddie and G'pa were having a great time. I don't if the text will match up, but when I saw Eddie standing against the chair with his ankles crossed, it cracked me up.

He and g'pa were moving pretty quickly, so I had a difficult time getting any good photos while in action except the ones with the red and blue balls that when thrown will stick to stuff--and g'pa was purposefully making him laugh so I could get a good shot.
We had clearly prepped Eddie sufficently for Den's departure when Ed, who had been playing in the living room, saw Den's suitcase and said "bye-bye dada" as he waved his hand as if saying goodbye. While talking to Den from ATL, he hugged the phone several times, blew kisses and said 'I love you daddy." This is a new party trick--saying 'I love you."
Round about 5, I asked Ed if he wanted a snack and he tore off like a shot, squealing his tires as he rounded the corner. He nearly ate his weight in cottage cheese and applesauce and didn't want anything else to eat when we had dinner later on--lets hope he still sleeps okay given that early dinner.
I keep thinking it's Sunday, as I can't remember Den every leaving for a work trip on a Sat. It's so nice to have the g'parents here the whole weekend.


soliluna said...

too cute! how are you holding up today? hugs! p

elizabethanddennis said...

Actually quite well. Had the nanny all day :) Ask me again tmr. My issue isn't having Ed all day, cause he's a lot of fun these days. It's overdoing it and then by around 4pm, when I still have 4 hours till bedtime and Ed is wide awake and wired, I just want to lay down.