Thursday, February 16, 2006

It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This!

Eddie slept from 7:45pm til about 6:30 this morning. I heard him a couple times, but nothing I had to respond to. I felt like I was in heaven when he woke at 6:30. What kind of twisted place have I come to when I say that?

In other news, Eddie got a new dresser and bookcase hutch today. We're really excited as his clothes were falling (and being pulled) out of the changing table. Course it looks much bigger in his room than it did in the showroom, but I think it will be great. It will be nice to have a place--other than the guest room--for his belongings. I still have to clean it, so haven't loaded it up yet.

1 comment:

soliluna said...

love the dresser/shelf!p