Friday, February 17, 2006

Eddie's Due Date

One year ago on today's date, Eddie wasn't born. He didn't give any indication that he was ready to be born. We had 5 more days of sleep (well, for one of us), and lots of questions about what our lives would be like. There is no way we could have known, nor could anyone have prepared us. Yet, today (plus or minus 2 weeks) was Eddie's EDD (estimated due date).

Just kind of wild to think back about it, when so few babies are actually born on their due date. Yet we attach such importance to this date. I suppose the medical world (and social world too) needs a reference point.

Today, in 2006 I assembled, all by myself (which if you know that my husband is an engineer, then you know these duties typically fall to him), a new booster/high chair for Eddie. I am very proud of myself. It appears sturdy and I didn't have any leftover pieces. I did have to read the instructions, but it didn't fall apart when I put Eddie in it. On both counts I can speak from experience at having assembled a TV stand and was unable to attach one of the doors due to an error I made during assembly. The picture is of Eddie in the chair and he seems to approve as he bangs on the tray.

The other picture is of Eddie with this giant wooden cube you might have seen in previous posts. It's one of his favorite toys, but we have to be careful, because he can (and in this case did) tip it over. Fortunately he landed on top of it, rather than the other way around. I saw it happening not 3 feet away, but just couldn't get there in time. I think he was both stunned and proud of himself. He had a new way to play with this toy. And found another thing for his mom to worry over.

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