Saturday, December 10, 2005

Santa got into the Eggnog

We were taking some pictures of Eddie on this horse and he was doing a great job. Then he decided to check out the suspension of his ride. He regularly bends over to check out the bottom of the rocking horse where he feet are (and these giant rubber bands that make it bounce).

Eddie's had two 'big' developments in less than 24 hours. He waved to us yesterday--multiple times. We'd not been working on that very long. And then this morning, he was able to crawl on all fours for a short while--a couple times. It still isn't his preferred method of transport, but I suspect soon will be.

G'ma and G'pa Ohio opened up the betting pool about when he'll start to walk. I say before Jan. 15, Dennis says Feb. 1. G'pa Ohio said 11 months--that would be Jan. 22, and I can't recall what G'ma Ohio says. What's your pick--you can add it to the comments section?


meg said...

I'd like to propose a new betting pool -- for when Mom first waxes nostalgic about the time before he could zip around on his own, back when things were easier.

March 1 is my guess.

elizabethanddennis said...

We are in absolutely no rush for him to be *that* mobile. But, its going to happen at some point, to be sure.

Besdies he's at that stage when he wants to be able to do more than his body has learned how to and it can get him pretty frustrated.

Anonymous said...

I say he will walk close to his birthday, February 13, 2006. The age range for walking is about 9 months to 22 months. It will be interesting to see where he falls on the range. He is just so cute.

elizabethanddennis said...

You do know his bd is Feb. 22, right :)

Anonymous said...

My guess is Feb 7.

soliluna said...

ha- this is great! I say Jan. 16, 2006
happy holidays! love the egg nog santa pic...peg

Anonymous said...

I don't see my entry which I tho't I posted. Well, it's March 22. Why? His dad adn uncle were that age. But Eddie's soooo much more advanced than they were!!!!!!!!