Friday, December 16, 2005

Finger Cast

Went today to get Eddie's iron level measured. Recall that he had one other needle prick during his nine month apointment. For whatever reason, the peds office has to outsource this test. I'd sort of been putting it off--not because I was worried about how Eddie would do, but more how I would do.

So we went today--on a Friday afternoon just before 4 pm right before Christmas. If you know anything about where we live, you can imagine the traffic. At least the lab tech who drew his blood said Eddie made her Friday. He was doing his usual smiling at her and she worried that she'd be responsible for that smile going away--not likely I assured her.

I couldn't watch, but looked at Eddie as she stuck his finger. Nothing, not a flinch and he actually continued to smile the whole time. The tech had to basically squeeze, one drop at a time, enough blood from him to 1/2 fill a little tiny vile. Kept right on smiling and actually laughed as she tap-tap-tapped the vile to knock the blood to the bottom after each drop.

The tech was just amazed. Said she'd never had a baby like this. Then she tried to put the bandaide on. My job was to hold the cotton gauze tightly on his finger, because as she said, he was a good bleeder (not in a bad way). I was having trouble doing that. He wouldn't hold his hand still.

She put the Bandaide on the wrong finger. No worries, Eddie popped it right off. She said she'd see if she couldn't find another one that would be more difficult to remove. I appreciated this because at the peds office they said they draw blood from the toe because kids are less likely to mess with the bandaide. The peds office nurse told us the story of a kid who digested a bandaide. No thanks.

Anyway, he started getting fussy when we tried to make him hold still to put this improved gauze/medical tape bandaide on his finger. What is on his hand now slightly resembles a cast and I think I'll need Dennis' assistance to remove it. Notice in the picture how tense and red our hands are--I'm trying to hold his hand and he is trying to resist.

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