Sunday, December 18, 2005

Expanding our palatte

Eddie's had egg yolks (apparently they are not supposed to have the whites till later). He's really getting good at eating a little of whatever 'table' food we give him. So much easier (and cheaper). Course we have to be careful he doesn't hoard the food in his mouth. He'll basically try and cram in there whateever you set in front of him, like a chipmunk saving up for winter.

Around this time we are supposed to try making the transition to a sippy cup. We've been filling it with water, most of which winds up on his shirt or bib. Dennis happened to comment about how he is messier with water than formula, even when he drinks from a bottle. So, tonight I decided to put formula in his sippy cup and would you know that nary a drop was spilt.

Guess we need to buy more of those, a lot more. He has no idea that Christmas is coming, but I suspect once the presents start getting unwraped, he is going to have a field day. He LOVES newspaper circulars and magazines. And with most everything else, waits until you are reasonably sure he's not going to put it in his mouth and then in it goes.

G'ma and G'pa Wisc. come on Tuesday. We're hoping to finally finish up some painting while making use of their baby sitting. With that, I should post some pictures of g'ma and g'pa Ohio's visit before I get behind. Eddie had a great time with them when they came in early Dec. (and then again mid-month for a quick 12 hours).

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