Wednesday, October 26, 2005

8 month addendum

I’ve been watching Eddie intently over the last several days. He is just doing so much now.

He is really sitting up well by himself. We no longer have to put pillows around him. Sometime during the chicken pox he must have mastered it while we were obsessing over how bad he seemed to be feeling.

He sleeps with his butt up in the air—I find this on par with the cuteness people seem to attach to all babies—its just so darn cute to see. Speaking of sleeping, he won’t take his morning nap. It’s as if there is too much going on. He is so tired, I can see it in his eyes, but he won’t sleep. So, for the second day now, at 12:30, he just crashes. This morning however, it must have been too soon after eating, because he woke screaming after 30 minutes. At least he had the decency to wait until I had dried off after my shower.

He is with the nanny now, hopefully she is working her magic and getting at least a bit of a nap out of him, or I’m in for an exciting evening. But then again, she said she could watch him till 6 if I wanted, boy that is tempting!

He is so incredibly close to crawling. Every day I expect to be ‘the day’. Depending on how strict a definition you want to attach to crawling, one could make the argument that he already is crawling, just not in the up-on-all-fours kind of way. We sit him down. He leans forward for something and goes up on his knees with his arms in front of him instead of under him. Unfortunately, he has yet to figure out how to use both his arms and legs at the same time for support—he can get himself up quite high on his hands (from his stomach), or get his legs under him (from sitting), but not both at the same time. He scoots himself all over.

Nothing is beyond his reach, but he has yet to figure that out. Well sort of. He's at that stage where he wiggles and worms all over while you hold him, but doesn't want to be put down, he is trying to reach something he can only grasp when held--doorknobs, stereos (one of his favorites). I do wonder why they haven’t invented a toy that is just like a remote control or cordless phone. Eddie could amuse himself for hours with those if we let him. I think it’s the lights and the feel of the buttons, not to mention the good size for his hands.

He is starting to try and pull himself up (per picture in the crib), he’s got a bit to go, but he gets ‘A’ for effort.

Today we tried Mangos with breakfast. They must have seemed a little tart. He was making such funny faces that I actually stopped feeding him to get the video camera. Got some good video.

Fell into the playpen today. I know we bought this particular one because it has a door, but the playpen is so low and the door so childproof, that I never use the door. Was trying to pick Eddie up and should have stepped into the playpen, but just tried leaning over. I got him standing and holding to the edge. I started to pick him up and just lost my balance. We both fell right into the middle. Eddie had a pretty stunned look on his face--we're both fine. Good thing I bought that gym mat to put down as the floor of the playpen.

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