Thursday, August 18, 2005

Dad's update--how much longer until you are home?

Den gets home in 3 hours and 18 min., or maybe sooner if his flight continues to be ahead of schedule. As single parent stints go, this one went pretty well—especially because the night before Dennis’ 6:45am flight and the following night, Eddie slept really well. I was in good spirits, Eddie was in good spirits. Then there was last night.

I’m not even sure how many times he woke—and I’m not talking his usual little wimpers of I’m awake; I’m talking, ‘something is wrong, get in here’ waking. Ugh. We’ve been told by friends and family that we need to let him ‘cry it out’ or CIO. I’m just not ready for that—he’s such an easy baby. Yet last night, I’d had my fill. So there I was at 5am, listening to Eddie scream, rolled over onto his stomach, head up, tears streaming down his face. I know this because after 20 min. I could no longer take it and went in. UGH. This is my absolute hands down least favorite part of being a parent.

Tonight, daddy can deal with him at 5am. Yipee!!! Well, actually I hope there isn’t anything to deal with until 6 or greedily, 7am.

1 comment:

meg said...

I love this photo. But he doesn't look like you/E at all -- 100% Dennis!

Re the blogging addiction, I can only say, "One of us! One of us!"

-auntie em