Friday, September 20, 2013

Insightful comments

Tonight as Eddie hugs me goodnight, he says, "Happy Birthday, mom, enjoy your last night of being in your 30s".  Yikes!  I told him I was a little sad about it.  What I didn't say was that it felt like I had one foot in the grave :)

Josie was a chatterbox.  She said that she hadn't noticed the chickens near our house and wonder if they had died.  She then proceeded to list all the things that could have happened.  She told in great detail about an incident at school where she saw a friend in the hall with 2 teachers with the child ultimately sent to the Principal's office  :(

She was just going on and on with really insightful comments as we drove to and from the super store.  I wish I could remember everything.  In fact, as we drove along, I thought about how I felt I should just hit 'record' to remember it all...should have on my phone :)

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