Monday, September 27, 2010


The main reason I'm not posting to blogger is because I can only upload 4 pictures at a time and that drives me crazy. I'm too lazy to learn new software (typepad, etc.), so here we are. I guess I only upload to facebook directly from my phone...

Anyhoo, Cookie had been telling us to harvest the potatos for some time, and Den said it wouldn't be time until later in SEpt. Well, later in SEpt. was too late and they had started to rot and sprout. Great if you want to have a later fall crop, but not if you wanted to eat right away :(

We did manage to get a bag or so--maybe between 7 and 10 pounds of potatos and the kids had a blast, each taking turns with the shovel and sifting through the dirt.

We had white and red. The white did much better than the red in terms of still being good.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Josie's ice pack "need" must be a three year old thing. Her cousins Will and Tyler do the same thing. Too funny!

Aunt Lore