Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday Tidbits

1. While in Wisc. I got to read a magazine--almost 1/2 way through.  In it was a receipe for this zuchinni dish.  G'ma Wisc. was kind enough to tear it out so we could try it at home.  I'm happy to report we loved it.  We told the kids it was a dug out canoe and the mixture was people and animals.  Josie gobbled all but the boat, and Eddie took bites that didn't add up to much.  They both enjoyed the 'river' of rice.  Den and I loved it and it seemed pretty easy to make.

2. Quick, name this fruit.  I will give you a hint--we thought it was watermelon until we cut it open.  We plant watermelon each year and usually only get a couple because I never think they are ready because they are the personal size, so picked this just to check.  Boy were we surprised when we sliced through...
3. J had quite the hair today--so good Den took a picture.  She was apparently proud of its energy.

4. Eddie was supposed to take a basketball camp from 9-3 each day this week.  I then signed J up for a camp running 8:30-noon.  Perfect, I'd have the mornings free and see what it would be like in the fall when Ed is at Kinder and J at preschool.  I had all sorts of misgivings about sending a 3 year old off to a camp without her brother that wasn't even at the preschool she'd attend in the fall, but had decided to soldier on.  Then Eddie got sick.  J has LOVED the camp.  When I picked her up the first day she asked if she could go again.  Problem is she has been a terror the rest of the day because she is so tired. 

5. Finally got the chance to check out the veggie garden (as evidenced by the above photo).  I will have to post it later, but the weeds had completely taken over.  Climbed up over the top of the tomato cages, obscured the green peppers and established themselves almost better than the veggies.  I spent 45 minutes this morning getting one 12 foot row weeded and another 45 minutes getting a second row.  Just 3 more rows to go.  This always happens when we go away for a longer trip in the summer, but because we didn't get mulch down this year, woowee.  I need to research better weed blocking options.

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