Sunday, January 31, 2010

January Snowstorm...

We got 6-7 inches of snow on Sat. Forcasts were all over the map, from 1 inch to a dusting to a braver forcaster who called for 3-6. Personally I was leaning towards the 6 inch camp. It was a light fluffy snow and cleaned up pretty quickly, but it was COLD. Temps on Sat. were around 22 and today (Sunday) finally rose to the 30s.
This first picture is today. I just missed Eddie being completely buried in the snow (just like being buried in the sand) and Josie is hoping up to take her turn "I don't want my head buried though", she said as she laid down.
Here the kids anxiously await Den to take them out. J wasn't out 10 minutes before she asked to come back in. Got all her outerwear off and declared herself ready to go back out.

This pikkie in the dining room is actually from way earlier in the month. The kids were singing and dancing some song we found so funny that we videotaped to find that video...
Smiling for the camera...

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Anonymous said...

G'mom J

Beautiful pics of the kids. Thanx.

Anonymous said...

Love the song and dance pic of the kids. I was giggling downstairs and G'pa wondered what I was broken up about. It was that pic. I had to copy it. Maybe I can blackmail the kids with it someday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
G'mom J